CET Electric Technology
4.8.4 SNTP (Simple Network Time protocol)
PMC-592 provides timestamps for all recorded data so it is critical to maintain an accurate clock to
achieve precise timing for data, events and power quality analysis. The PMC-592 comes with a 6ppm,
battery-backed RTC that has a maximum error of 0.5s per day. If the supply power is lost or removed,
the internal backup battery will keep the real-time clock running until power is restored.
The PMC-592’s SNTP client can be used to synchronize its internal clock with an external SNTP Server.
The programming of the SNTP setup parameters is supported over communications, the Web Interface
or the optional HMI.
Setup Parameters
SNTP Enable
Time Zone
GMT-12:00 / GMT-11:00 / GMT-10:00 / GMT-9:00 / GMT-8:00 / GMT-7:00 / GMT-6:00 / GMT-
5:00 / GMT-4:00 / GMT-3:30 / GMT-3:00 / GMT-2:00 / GMT-1:00 / GMT-0:00 / GMT+1:00 /
GMT+2:00 / GMT+3:00 / GMT+3:30 / GMT+4:00 / GMT+4:30/ GMT+5:00 / GMT+5:30 /
GMT+5:45 / GMT+6:00 / GMT+6:30 / GMT+7:00 / GMT+8:00*/ GMT+9:00 / GMT+9:30 /
GMT+10:00 / GMT+11:00 / GMT+12:00 / GMT+13:00
Time Sync. Interval
10 to 1440 minutes (Default = 60 minutes)
IP Address of Time Server
Set the IP address of your Time Server
Table 4-31 SNTP Setup Parameters
In addition, the PMC-592’s real-time clock can be time synched via
iEMS or set via the Web
Interface and the optional HMI. Please refer to
for more information.
4.8.5 SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
The PMC-592 supports a SMTP Client which enables it to send an alarm Email to a designated Receiver.
The programming of the SMTP setup parameters is supported over communications, the Web Interface
and the optional HMI.
Setup Parameters
SMTP Server IP
Set the IP Address of your SMTP Server.
Sender’s Name
Set the Name of the PMC-592.
Sender Email
Set the Email Address of the PMC-592.
Sender Email Password
Set the Email Password of the PMC-592 for logging on to the SMTP Server.
Receiver Email
Set the Receiver’s Email Address.
Table 4-32 SMTP Setup Parameters
The following illustrates how to setup via PMC-592 web.
Login PMC-592 web interface and enable
Alarm E-Mail
, click
Figure 4-53 Alarm Email Setup
Configure E-mail’s Settings.