MN702GE 060320
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2. Pre-fire inspection • preparation
Prepare vent/chimney
Secure all metal vent joints with screws, following the vent manufacturer’s
instructions. Seal all joints in the vent system and chimney. Repair ma-
sonry chimney lining and repair all mortar joints as needed.
Where draft fluctuations are likely, install a double-acting barometric draft
regulator in the vent piping. (The damper must be located in the same
space as the appliance.) Install a manual reset spill switch per manu-
facturer’s instructions. Wire the switch into the appliance limit circuit to
shut off the appliance/burner if sustained downdraft should occur. Refer
to the appliance manufacturer’s instruction manual for recommendations
regarding the need for a barometric draft regulator.
Provide support for the vent piping. Do not rest the weight of any of the
vent piping on the appliance flue outlet.
Check codes, standards and the equipment
• Verify that the burner/appliance will maintain all clearances to combustible
walls or floor and all clearances required for service/maintenance as
required in the appliance manual and applicable codes.
Figure 1
Vent and vent connector installations, typical