Section 6: Maintenance & Troubleshooting
age 60
©2002 Cardiac Science, Inc.
300282-002 Rev. E0
Rescue Questions and Answers
The following table answers frequently asked questions about the
Questions and Answers
Q Can I skip the CPR mode?
A No. CPR is a very important part of the optimal resuscitation protocol.
Q Can I give CPR while the Survivalink AED is analyzing?
A No. As with all AEDs, the rescuer should stop CPR compressions during the analy-
sis phase. CPR may interfere with the analysis of the cardiac rhythm.
Q Can I transport the victim while the Survivalink AED is analyzing?
A No. Vehicle motion may cause noise artifacts that could interfere with proper car-
diac rhythm analysis. Stop the vehicle when cardiac rhythm analysis is necessary.
Q When will the Survivalink AED prompt for CPR?
A The Survivalink AED will prompt for CPR:
• After the Survivalink AED delivers 3 consecutive defibrillation shocks, or
• After the Survivalink AED detects a non-shockable cardiac rhythm during cardiac rhythm
analysis, or
• When the Survivalink AED detects a shockable cardiac rhythm, but the “Rescue’ button is
not pushed for approximately 2 1/2 minutes from the placement of electrodes on the patient
or after performing CPR
Q Do I need to prepare the chest prior to electrode application?
A No. Special preparation is not usually necessary. However, the chest should be as
clean, dry, and as oil free as practical.
Q How do I know when the electrodes are safe to touch?
A The only time energy can be delivered to the electrodes is when the Rescue indica-
tor is flashing, and the Survivalink AED is sounding the charged tone. The elec-
trodes are safe to touch at all other times. However, touching the electrodes during
analysis mode may interfere with rhythm analysis.