How Do I Install/Remove an End Mill?
Install an End Mill
After connecting and homing the machine, you will
be prompted to insert a tool. At this time, you can
either install a probing pin and use the BitZero V2 to
find job zero, or you can install an end mill. Typically,
you will install an end mill only after finding job zero
with a probing pin. Watch our
for an overview of the process and tips.
To install an end mill:
Ensure the selected end mill is free of any
Insert the shank of the end mill into the
loosened collet a minimum of 0.75
the entire length of the collet and nut. The tool should project at least as much as the deepest intended
cutting depth but should not extend more than 2
from the collet nut.
Hold the shaft of the spindle (above the threads) with one hand, while holding the end mill in position and
tightening the collet nut with your other hand. Be very careful not to cut yourself on the end mill.
Lightly tighten the collet nut with your fingers, just until the end mill will not fall out.
Now, use the shaft wrench to hold the shaft of the spindle in place, while using the collet wrench to tighten
the collet nut and secure the end mill.
In Carbide Motion, hit the Resume button. The machine will position the spindle above the BitSetter, which
will measure the tool length.
How Tight Should the Collet Be Around the End Mill?
The collet should be tight enough that the end mill will not work loose during machining (it must be more
than hand-tight).
The collet should never be over-tightened as this can put undue strain on the spindle, nut, and collet, which
can damage the end mill over time.
You can damage a collet if you compress it without support from the inside. This is also why you
should never tighten the collet nut without first inserting a tool, as you can damage the collet.
BitSetter is an automatic tool offset probe, which measures the length of each tool. BitSetter makes
it easy to run jobs using multiple tools without the need to stop and re-zero your Z-Axis manually. This
makes toolchanges with the Nomad 3 simple and straight forward.