Home Your Nomad 3
Now that you are connected to your Nomad 3, it
’s time to home it. Homing your CNC machine is the process of
sending it to a known, fixed, repeatable location. This means that every time you home the machine, it will move to
EXACTLY the same position. Every. Single. Time. This allows you to move your machine to ANOTHER position,
relative to the home position, with great precision. On your Nomad 3, the home is position is the back-right corner.
To home your Nomad 3:
Click the Initialize Machine button.
When homing is complete, your spindle will be in the back-right corner and
the table will be at the front of the machine.
PRO TIP: Sometimes, later on in a project you will want to home the machine again. To do so, click
the top menu bar to open the
MDI screen
. Enter
into the text field and click the
Send button
. This will
re-home the machine.