Source Routing
Normally, a host has no control over the route taken by a packet it
sends. Source routing is a technique whereby the sender of a
packet can specify the route that a packet should take through the
network to its destination.
Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On-Line. Spooling means
putting jobs in a buffer, which is a special area in memory or on a
disk. Because devices access data at different rates, the buffer
provides a waiting station where the data can wait until the device
for which it is meant is ready to access it.
The mode in which the machine is on and ready to use.
A portion of a network, which may be a physically independent
network segment, that shares a network address with other
portions of the network, and is distinguished by a subnet number.
For example, all devices with IP addresses that start with
100.100.100. would be part of the same subnet.
Subnet Mask
SUBNETwork mask. The method used to determine which
subgroup, or subnet, an IP address belongs to on TCP/IP
networks, all devices whose IP addresses have the same prefix
would belong to the same subnet. Dividing a network into subnets
is useful for both security and performance reasons.
Switching hub
A network connection box to which a number of computers can
be connected. The switching hub forwards a data packet from the
network to the appropriate computer according to the packet’s
address. Conventional hubs simply send every packet to every
connected computer. Since a switching hub forwards packets only
to their intended recipients, it provides greater efficiency.
Acronym for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The
protocol used to connect to the Internet and to wide-area
Tagged Image File Format. A file format that saves images as
high-density bitmaps, and is suitable for large amounts of image
data. The information field (tag) at the start of each image data
record indicates the type of data represented.
A key that allows you to temporarily switch to touch-tone from
pulse dialing. In some countries, on-line data services may
require that you use tone dialing.
Tone/pulse setting
The ability to set the machine to match the telephone dialing
system your telephone line uses: touch-tone or rotary pulse.