Check the brakes for proper operation (see
SECTION 4.C). Squeeze the brake levers. Are
the brake quick-releases closed? All control
cables seated and securely engaged? Do the
brake pads contact the wheel rim squarely and
make full contact with the rim? Do the brake pads
touch the wheel rim within an inch of brake lever
movement? Can you apply full braking force at the
levers without having them touch the handlebar?
If not, your brakes need adjustment. Do not ride
the bike until the brakes are properly adjusted by
a professional bicycle mechanic.
Quick Releases
Make sure the front wheel, rear wheel
and seat post quick releases are properly
See SECTION 4.A and 4.B.
handlebar and saddle alignment
Make sure the saddle and handlebar stem are
parallel to the bike’s center line and clamped
tight enough so that you can’t twist them out of
alignment. See SECTION 3.B and 3.C.
handleBar ends
Make sure the handlebar grips are secure
and in good condition. If not, have your dealer
replace them. Make sure the handlebar ends
and extensions are plugged. If not, plug them
before you ride. If the handlebars have bar end
extensions, make sure they are clamped tight
enough so you can’t twist them.
loose oR damaGed handleBaR GRiPs
oR eXtensions Can CaUse yoU to
lose ContRol and fall. UnPlUGGed
handleBaRs oR eXtensions Can CUt
yoU and CaUse seRioUs inJURy in an
otheRWise minoR aCCident.
veRy imPoRtant safety note:
Please also read and become thoroughly
familiar with the important information on the
lifespan of your bicycle and its components in
PaRt ii, seCtion d. insPeCt foR safety.