Child CaRRieRs
Child CaRRieRs add WeiGht and
Raise the CenteR of GRavity, makinG
diffiCUlt. if yoU loose ContRol, yoU
and yoUR Child PassenGeR Can Be
seveRely inJURed oR killed.
Cannondale urges you NOT to install child
carriers on bicycles. If you choose to install
a child carrier, have an experienced bicycle
mechanic install it. Install only on a compatible
bicycle. If you insist on using a child carrier we
urge that you confirm with both the carrier rack
manufacturer and the child carrier manufacturer
that the two products are safely compatible.
Always use caution when riding with a child
Some saddles are equipped with coil springs. If
you use a rear rack mounted child carrier there
is a risk that a child’s fingers could be injured if
trapped in the coil springs when the rider hits
a bump and the springs compress. Be sure
that the child cannot reach the springs when
properly strapped in the carrier.
Cannondale encourages use of trailers for
children. Be very careful when towing a trailer.
Remember that braking distances increase, and
the trailer will track inside the line of the bicycle
when making turns. Children should always
wear helmets when riding in a child carrier or
trailer. Use of bicycle helmets on children is
required by law in many areas.
ChildRen and stationaRy
Bike tRaineRs
keeP ChildRen aWay fRom BiCyCles
moUnted on stationaRy tRaineRs,
even When the BiCyCle is not in Use.
Spinning wheels attract children’s attention and
present a serious risk to young fingers.
Children have also been known to rotate
cranks by hand on bicycles left unattended on
stationary trainers, putting themselves at risk of
serious injury.
BiCyCles have
shaRP sURfaCes
Exercise caution with chainrings and pointed,
aggressive platform pedals, as they have
sharp and potentially dangerous surfaces. Use
caution when working on your bike. If you slip
or fall you could be injured.