BiCyCle lifesPan
nothinG lasts foReveR,
inClUdinG yoUR Bike
When the useful life of your bike or its components
is over, continued use is hazardous.
Every Cannondale bicycle frame and the
components attached to the frame have a finite,
limited useful life. The length of that life will vary
with the construction and materials used in the
frame and components, the maintenance and
care the frame and components receive over
their life and the type and amount of use the
frame and components are subjected. Use in
competitive events, trick riding, ramp riding,
jumping, aggressive riding, riding on severe
terrain, riding in severe climates, riding with heavy
loads, commercial activities and other types of
non-standard use can dramatically shorten the
life of the frame and components. Any one or a
combination of these conditions may result in an
unpredictable failure.
all fRames and ComPonents shoUld
for indicators of stress and/or potential failure,
including cracks, deformation, delamination,
creaking sounds, corrosion, paint peeling, dents,
and any other indicators of potential problems,
inappropriate use or abuse. These are important
safety checks and very important to help prevent
accidents, bodily injury to the rider and shortened
product life. (See PART I, Section 5 Service and
PART II, Section D. Inspect For Safety)
UsefUl life of
liGhtWeiGht fRames
Lightweight frames and components usually have
shorter lives. For example, all aspects of use
being identical, a lightweight CAAD7 or CAAD8
frame will have a shorter life than a heavier
CAAD3 frame.
In selecting lightweight frames and components
you are making a trade-off, favoring the higher
performance that comes with light weight over
longevity. So, If you choose lightweight, high
performance equipment, be sure to inspect it