PoWeR systems
do not install a PoWeR system (Gas
oR eleCtRiC tyPe) onto yoUR Bike.
Your Cannondale bike was not designed or
intended for use with any type of aftermarket
power system.
There are many types of power systems from
many different manufacturers. We simply can’t
predict what all can go wrong by installing one.
We can say that installing an aftermarket power
system represents a MAJOR modification
of your bike. It will change the way your bike
handles and fundamentally alter its operation.
When combined with your bike, the power
system can be become dangerous to operate..
For example, the brakes may not be adequate
for higher speeds..
seCtion B.
intended Use
Bike and
intended Use. ChoosinG the WRonG
BiCyCle foR yoUR PURPose Can Be
hazaRdoUs. UsinG yoUR Bike the
WRonG Way is danGeRoUs.
No one type of bicycle is suited for all purposes.
Your retailer can help you pick the “right tool for
the job” and help you understand its limitations.
There are many types of bicycles and many
variations within each type. Cannondale makes
many types of mountain, road, racing, hybrid,
touring, cyclocross and tandem bicycles.
There are also bicycles that mix features. For
example we have road/racing bikes with triple
cranks. These bikes have the low gearing of
a touring bike, the quick handling of a racing
bike, but are not well suited for carrying heavy
loads on a tour. For that purpose you want a
touring bike.
Within each of type of bicycle, one can optimize
for certain purposes. Visit your bicycle shop
and find someone with expertise in the area
that interests you. Do your own homework.
Seemingly small changes such as the choice of
tires can improve or diminish the performance
of a bicycle for a certain purpose.
On the following pages, we generally outline
the intended uses of various types of bikes.
Industry usage Conditions are generalized and
evolving. Consult your Cannondale Dealer
about how you intend to use your bike.