While RidinG at daWn, at dUsk oR at
• Ride slowly.
• Avoid dark areas, areas of heavy or fast-
moving traffic.
• Avoid road hazards.
• If possible, ride on familiar routes.
if RidinG in tRaffiC :
• Be predictable. Ride so that drivers can see
you and predict your movements.
• Be alert. Ride defensively and expect the
• If you plan to ride in traffic often, ask your
dealer about traffic safety classes or a good
book on bicycle traffic safety.
2.f - eXtReme, stUnt oR
ComPetition RidinG
Whether you call it Aggro, Hucking, Freeride,
North Shore, Downhill, Jumping, Stunt Riding,
Racing or something else: by engaging in this
sort of extreme, aggressive riding you voluntarily
assume an increased risk of injury or death.
Not all bicycles are designed for these types of
riding, and those that are may not be suitable for all
types of aggressive riding. Check with your dealer
or the bicycle’s manufacturer about the suitability
of your bicycle before engaging in extreme riding.
When riding fast down hill, you can reach
speeds seen on motorcycles, and therefore face
similar hazards and risks. Have your bicycle
and equipment carefully inspected by a qualified
mechanic and be sure it is in perfect condition.
Consult with expert riders and race officials on
conditions and equipment advisable at the site
where you plan to ride. Wear appropriate safety
gear, including an approved full face helmet, full
finger gloves, and body armor. Ultimately, it is your
responsibility to have proper equipment and to be
familiar with course conditions.
adveRtisements and aRtiCles aBoUt
BiCyClinG dePiCt RideRs enGaGed
in eXtReme RidinG, this aCtivity is
eXtRemely danGeRoUs, inCReases
yoUR Risk of inJURy oR death, and
inCReases the seveRity of any
Remember that the action depicted is being
performed by professionals with many years of
training and experience. Know your limits and
always wear a helmet and other appropriate safety
gear. Even with state-of-the-art protective safety
gear, you could be seriously injured or killed when
jumping, stunt riding, riding downhill at speed or
in competition.
Bicycles and bicycle parts have limitations with
regard to strength and integrity, and this type of
riding can exceed those limitations.