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Analog inputs and outputs
Analog inputs and outputs are gathered in
The analog inputs of DCPS are isolated and accept a voltage range from -10 to 10V. There are 3
analog inputs and, depending on the connection mode, there are two possible configurations
for them:
Parallel channels: the analog input Analog_In_1 is the reactive power command and
the Analog_In_2 depends on the power supply operation mode.
Independent channels: there is no reactive power command and each analog input
corresponds to one phase. Their functionality depends on the power supply operation
As it has been previously mentioned, an analog input can be configured as one magnitude
(current, voltage…etc.) setpoint of a specific output channel. In this case, the magnitude in
question of the output channel is proportional to the voltage of the respective analog input.
For example, in independent current mode, for a 10 V analog input, the current of the
respective output channel will be the maximum that the DCPS withstands (see catalogue).
Regarding analog outputs, they are also isolated and accept a voltage range from 0 to 10 V.
Analogously to inputs, there are 3 analog outputs and each one corresponds to one different
output channel scaled magnitude.