9W006 and 9W007 197
Viewing Operational Information
(per connection type) of channel usage and available data rates. If there is at least one device
connected, the display will look as follows. Note that a “more” mechanism will be used when
the number of connected devices exceeds a full screen. If there are no devices connected, the
command does not produce any output.
Displays reports of system messages. Refer to the chapters titled
System Messages
for message definitions.
Displays system statistics. For details on the available system statistics refer to the
list [file name]
Displays the indicated file.
For example, to display the Release Notes, enter the following command:
list rel_note.txt
The “more” mechanism is used to view the indicated file. To view the next section of the file,
simply press any key (except
). The system will automatically return to the normal
system prompt after the entire file has been displayed. If you are viewing the Release Notes,
press the
key to exit the release notes and continue with the installation.
If the file name is incorrect, the following message will be displayed:
Cannot find file "file name"
Displays the Connection Monitor screen. This screen provides information on the remote sites
to which the system is currently connected. The system updates the display as connections are
added or removed.
To display the Connection Monitor screen, Telnet and the terminal emulator must both be set
as the same terminal type. Use the
term set
command to do this.
command is also available if you are remotely connected to the SmartSwitch
Remote Access Module by Telnet.
This command will display the system interface table. This table provides information for each
of the system’s physical interfaces, including interface name, interface type, slot and port
number, and the operational status of each interface (up or down). This information can help
to determine system problems by identifying those physical interfaces that are not operating as
expected. Refer to the following example:
[System Name]> CS
Number of Channels Data Rate (Kbps) Connect Time
Device Name Swi Ded FrR X25 Tot Swi Ded FrR X25 Tot (hr:min:sec)
---------------- ------------------ --------------------- -----------
Tokyo 1 0 0 0 1 64 0 0 0 64 00:31:39
Ann Arbor 1 1 0 0 2 64 64 0 0 128 12:22:18
New York 4 0 0 0 4 256 0 0 0 256 04:02:22