116 SmartSwitch Remote Access Module
[AUTH] Warning code: 0004 No authentication node available
Internal resources were not available to initiate an authentication session. Contact your Distributor
or Customer Support.
[AUTH] Warning code: 0005 No host configured for server IP address
The System does not have a network route to the configured authentication server(s). Verify that a
static route has been set up. Then, check your configuration for the correct addresses on interfaces
and authentication server.
[AUTH] Warning code: 0006 UDP system failed
Internal resources were not available to initiate an authentication session. Contact your Distributor
or Customer Support.
[AUTH] Warning code: 0007 Authentication mode mismatch
An internal request for authentication server access request occurred, but the System is configured
in the on-node device table mode. Contact your Distributor or Customer Support.
[AUTH] Warning code: 0008 Authentication agent not initialized
The System could not obtain enough internal resources for the user authentication operation.
Contact your Distributor or Customer Support.
[AUTH] Warning code: 0009 Server failed message digest test
A message received from the authentication server did not have the correct authenticator field
[AUTH] Warning code: 0010 Received unexpected authentication response code from server
A message was received from an authentication server that contained an invalid response message
[AUTH] Warning code: 0011 An unexpected server responded to the access request
An access response message was received from an authentication server that is not configured in
the System.
[AUTH] Warning code: 0012 UDP call back processed with no data present
A message was received from an authentication server that contained zero data bytes.
Bad auth result in smgrauth_aa_notify for device <device name>
There was no device configured (on-node or in SFVRA) for the login id entered at the user-level
security prompt in the terminal server interactive window. Check configuration.
Bad context on SccDatInd <context value>
Indicates a problem has occurred in forwarding frames from the hardware to the frame relay
software. The intended context for this frame is specified by the indicated context value. Contact
your Distributor or Customer Support.
Bad context on X25SccDatInd <context value>
A data packet has been received with an incorrect context. This indicates that the system allocation
of SCC controllers is not in a consistent state. Restart the system.