102 SmartSwitch Remote Access Module
From the displayed list, double click on the site you are diagnosing.
Click on the Systems tab.
Select the system, then click on Edit System Settings.
Under IP information (on the Properties screen), check to make sure that a check
appears next to Enable.
If you made a change, download the new configuration files to effected site.
To see if SNMP is enabled for the system:
From the toolbar, select Functions then select SNMP or click the
Double click on the SNMP Management Group that the site is associated with.
Click on the Managed Sites tab.
Check to see if the site in question is included in the managed sites list. If not, click on
Add, and enter the information to add the site to the group.
Once you add the site, or if it is already included in the group, check to see that Enabled
appears in the site’s SNMP column. Note that SNMP is enabled at the site template
level. If SNMP is not enabled for this site, you must select a site template for the site
that has SNMP enabled. To select a different site template for the site:
From the toolbar, select Functions then select Sites or click the
Double click on the site in question.
Select a new site template for the site – one that has SNMP enabled. If you do not have
a template configured with SNMP enabled, you will have to create one. If all or most
the other values of an existing template are acceptable, you may duplicate that tem-
plate, give it a different name, and make changes where necessary.
d. If you made any changes, download the new configuration files to the site.
For more detailed instructions, refer to the following sections in the SFVRA Configuration
Manager User’s Guide:
For enabling IP: refer to Configuring the Site’s Systems in the Configuring Sites chapter.
For SNMP Management Group information: refer to the Configuring SNMP Management
Groups chapter.
For information about choosing a site’s template: refer to Configuring Site Properties in the
Configuring Sites chapter.
For information about duplicating a site’s template: refer to Adding a Site Template in the
Configuring Site Templates chapter.