Installation and Operation Manual
PN 541-C-068-AAG
November, 2008
3 Installation
This section discusses the installation requirements for the Smart Mass Flow
Meter/Controller models equipped with the Profibus-DP interface. It will focus
only on the installation requirements necessary to operate the device on a
Profibus network as well as on other issues, related to this interface. The reader
is referred to the
Installation and Operating Manual Smart TMF series
Instrument, doc. #541-C-051) for general installation and operating instructions
of the device in the gas flow measurement/control application as well as for
further information on standard electrical interfacing.
All Brooks Smart TMF devices are equipped with a male 15-pin sub-D connec-
tor, providing all the necessary connections to operate the device at least in an
analogue way. This allows the device to be used as a simple plug-in replace-
ment for earlier analogue mass flow meter/controller models, offering the im-
proved performance and additional features of the digital implementation. Two
pins on this connector, pin 14 and 15, are reserved for the connection of a digital
communications protocol. Whether these pins are used for this purpose, will
depend on the type of piggyback board installed. The standard piggyback board
will offer HART based communication over either RS-232 or RS-485 through
these pins. If these pins are not used, the installed piggyback will have to
provide a separate interface (connector) to allow connection to the network.
In the case of the Profibus-DP interface for the Brooks Smart Mass Flow Meter/
Controller models, pin 14 and 15 on the main connector are not used. The
installed piggyback board will provide a separate connector for network connec-
tions. This connector is a female 9-pin sub-D connector, specified by the
Profibus standard as the preferred connector (refer to EN 50170, part 1). Pin
layout on this connector is according to this standard.
The presence of this separate connector does NOT make the main
connector redundant. The main connector must at least be used to provide the
necessary power to the device. In addition however, all the other, non-communi-
cation related functions are still available through this main connector.
Main connector (5800 series)
The male 15-pin sub-D connector provides all necessary functionality to operate
the device. Despite the presence of a Profibus network connection, all the pins,
except for pin 14 and pin 15, retain their functionality and they can still be used.
For some pins the functionality is selectable (ON/OFF), whereas other pins can
be used in parallel to the network connection. This allows the device to be used
as a plug-in replacement for an analogue mass flow meter or controller with the
Profibus-DP communication in a monitoring role. It can however also be used as
a Smart Mass flow meter/controller, fully driven through the network connection.
Also a mix of both is possible. Figure 3-1 shows the pin layout and numbering
of the main connector. Table 3-1 lists the pin-configuration of the main 15-pin
sub-D connector.