Restroom Partitions, Floor-Mounted with Overhead Brace — Series 400
HDWP-INSTR-013 Rev. K; ECN 12-14-012
For open end applications, cut the headrail to the appropriate length (if
required). Attach the bracket to the wall at the correct height (see step B).
Attach another bracket to a pilaster with #10 x ¾" screws at the correct
height (see view below). The headrail should be level with any adjacent
headrail and should be located directly over the panel. Position each
headrail onto the brackets and secure with required fasteners (see Step C).
Using a rubber mallet, install the headrail end cap.
Make sure the pilasters are plumb and that the pilaster has been secured to the shoe. Leave the appropriate door opening
between the pilasters as shown on your submittal drawing.
Place headrail over the top of the pilasters
and slide it tight into the mounting bracket.
Use the mounting bracket as a template and
drill a Ø
" hole through the headrail . Secure
the headrail to the mounting bracket with the
#10 x
" screws provided .
Make sure the pilaster is plumb and that the spacing between the
pilasters for the doors is the correct dimension. On the back of each
pilaster (starting with the first pilaster), drill a Ø
" hole through one
face of the headrail only .
Using this hole as a template, drill a
" pilot hole into the pilaster,
¾" (19mm)
deep. Secure the headrail to the back of each pilaster
with the #10 x
" screws provided .
Completed Headrail Assembly
The illustrations on this page show mounting hardware and fasteners for a generic application. Refer to your submittals
to determine your actual headrail configurations.
Some headrail sections may need to be cut to an appropriate size. Refer to your submittals for general headrail placement.
Place headrail over the top of each pilaster
located at the wall and slide it tight against
the side wall . Mark the outline of the headrail
on the wall and remove the headrail .
Place the headrail bracket on the outline marked on the wall and
mark the locations of the mounting holes. Remove bracket and
drill (2) Ø
" holes at a minimum of 2" (51mm) deep. Prior to
securing to the wall, enlarge the (2) back mounting holes of the
bracket to ؼ". Secure the bracket to the wall with the #14 x 2"
screws and plastic anchors provided .
Headrail configurations that come to an intersection should meet over pilaster (see completed headrail assembly view below).