Operating Manual
Universal Flow Computer UR06
Bopp & Reuther
Subject to changes
Page 47 of 55
Messtechnik GmbH
Digital outputs
The digital outputs are universal digital outputs. They can be used for status messages (error,
threshold, leak flow rate) as well as for pulse output of the counters.
17.21.1 Min. pulse width
Determination of the minimum pulse / pause width of the pulse outputs. The setting applies to all the
pulse outputs. The smallest value is 5 ms; for the module outputs 1 ms.
17.21.2 Digital output 1-3 mode 1-3
There are 2 operating modes if the digital outputs 1 to 3 are used to output pulses. In “Pulse” mode,
pulses are output to the electronic counters in a rigidly coupled manner. The minimum pulse width
corresponds to the set value. In “DDS” mode, pulses are coupled to the instant. values. There may be
deviations between the counters and the output pulses when starting and stopping the measurement.
The advantage of “DDS” mode is that it provides a very uniform pulse output. In “Pulse” mode, pulses
can be output in a bundled structure.
Functioning of the digital outputs 4 to 7 is not related to the setting in “Pulse” mode.
Selection: DDS, pulse
17.21.3 Digital output 1 ... 3(7)
Selection of the digital output operating mode. Sums or differences can be output via AUX 1..4. The
function is defined under AUX counters.
Operating point test
Energy 2 [kWh]
VB 2 Event [m3
Error inv.
VB 1 [m3]
VN 2 Event [m3]
Threshold 1..7
VN 1 [m3]
Mass 2 Event [t]
Threshold 1..7 inv.
Mass 1 [t]
Energy 2 Event [kWh]
Leak flow 1
Energy 1 [kWh]
Leak flow 1 inv.
VB 1 Event [m3]
Leak flow 2
VN 1 Event [m3]
Leak flow 2 inv.
Mass 1 Event [t]
Zero balance 1
Energy 1 Event [kWh]
1 Hz
Zero balance 2
VB 2 [m3]
saturation 1
VN 2 [m3]
saturation 2
Mass 2 [t]
17.21.4 Pulse value digital output 1 ... 3(7)
Value of the output pulse. The unit always corresponds to the selected variable.
0.001 pulse/unit ... 10000 pulse/unit
Current output
17.22.1 Selection current output 1 ... 2(6)
Selection of the current output.
Temp.Diff. 1 [°C]
Qb 1 [m3/h]
0 mA
Temp.Diff. 2 [°C]
Qn 1 [m3/h]
4 mA
Density 1 [kg/m³]
Qm 1 [t/h]
20 mA
Density 2 [kg/m³]
Power 1 [kW]
Concentration 1 [%]
Qb 2 [m3/h]
dp 1 [mbar]
Concentration 2 [%]
Qn 2 [m3/h]
dp 1 rad [mbar]
Base density 1 [kg/m³]
Qm 2 [t/h]
dp 2 [mbar]
Base density 2 [kg/m³]
Power 2 [kW]
dp 2 rad [mbar]
Density meas. val. 1 [kg/m³] Qb 3 [m3/h]
1 [bar]
Density meas. val. 2 [kg/m³] Qn 3 [m3/h]
Pressure 2 [bar]
Current input 1
Qm 3 [t/h]