Universal Flow Computer UR06
Operating Manual
Page 46 of 55
Subject to changes
Bopp & Reuther
Messtechnik GmbH
-100°C ... 1500°C.
Thresholds incorporate two function groups.
The first function group has a monitoring function only. It is possible to monitor whether relevant
measured values remain within their thresholds. An error message is displayed and a substitute value
is generated if thresholds are exceeded.
In the second function group, measured and calculation values can be used to trigger a control
function, e.g. to switch a contact or counters.
17.20.1 Monitoring mode
In this mode, it is possible to determine whether relevant measured values should be monitored in
terms of their thresholds. The specific thresholds and / or the rate of change (gradient) of the
measured values can be monitored.
Min/Max, Gradient, Min/Max + gradient
17.20.2 Grace period monitoring
The time period after which a threshold violation also generates an error message. The temperature
1..3, pressure 1..3, density 1..2 and frequency 1..2 can be monitored.
0 … 60 s
17.20.3 Upper/Lower limit monitoring
The threshold of the allocated measured variable whose violation generates an error message once
the grace period has expired. The measured value then changes to the default value of the respective
measured variable. The upper/lower limits of temperatures, pressures, densities and frequencies can
be monitored.
Depends on the measured variable
17.20.4 Gradient monitoring
Monitoring the rate of change of the respective measured variable.
Depends on the measured variable
17.20.5 Threshold selection 1 ... 7
Selection of the variable for threshold monitoring.
Density 2 [kg/m³]
Qn 1 [m3/h]
dp 1 [mbar]
Concentration 1 [%]
Qm 1 [t/h]
dp 2 [mbar]
Concentration 2 [%]
Power 1 [kW]
Pressure 1 [bar]
Base density 1 [kg/m³]
Qb 2 [m3/h]
Pressure 2 [bar]
Base density 2 [kg/m³]
Qn 2 [m3/h]
Pressure 3 [bar]
Density meas. val. 1 [kg/m³] Qm 2 [t/h]
Temperature 1 [°C]
Density meas. val. 2 [kg/m³] Power 2 [kW]
Temperature 2 [°C]
Current input 1
Qb 3 [m3/h]
Temperature 3 [°C]
Current input 2
Qn 3 [m3/h]
Temp.Diff. 1 [°C]
Current input 3
Qm 3 [t/h]
Temp.Diff. 2 [°C]
Current input 4
Power 3 [kW]
Density 1 [kg/m³]
Qb 1 [m3/h]
17.20.6 Top/Bottom threshold 1 ... 7
Switching point for the threshold. Ensure that the upper value is not the same as the lower value. The
hysteresis results from the difference.
- 1e-37 ... +1e37