2) For displaying console transmitted events by ‘S2000-K’ keyboards their configuration
parameters ‘Event indication’ and ‘Alarm indication’ have to be customized.
‘S2000-K’ keyboards may not support come of the console messages. Such messages
will not be displayed.
Transmission speed through phone lines by ‘S2000-IT’ informators is low. That is
why to avoid informatory buffer overflow it is recommended to transmit to informatory just the
most important and rare messages (alarms, fires). To do this needed event categories has to be
permited for transmission, and others have to be forbidden. At informatory buffer overflow it
should be cleared (see item
Entry zone settings
Console support up to 32 input zones. Each of them is determined by device address,
alarm loop number in device and alarm delay. Any alarm ALs connected to the device console
can be used as input ALs. Delay can has value from 0 to 254 seconds.
Input zones are setted on tab ‘Entry zones’ ‘
’ program. In the top window ‘Input
zones’ contains alarm loop list, set up as input zone. In botton window ‘Devices (loops)’ there is a
list of system devices and its alarm loops. To create input zone ‘drag’ alarm loop from ‘ Devices
(loops)’ window in the window ‘Entry zone’ and in the inspector window ‘Alarm delays’ set (in
seconds) transition delay alarm loop from ‘intrusion alarm’ mode in the ‘alarm’ mode.
Setting user messages
Console allows create user messages, which will be displayed and transmitted instead
standard messages. Standard messages rename rules are determined in scripts. Rename script for
each standard message gives new name, sound signal, alarm level and category. Script allows
rename up to 4 standard messages. Console allows create up to 32 rename scripts. Script can be
set for any alarm loop (or few ALs), from console database. If loop rename script is set, then
standard messages of the loop will be replaced to user defined messages, if such replace is in
script. Message renaming is actual for auxiliary alarm loops, which are usually checking state of
an equipment. This possibility permits display, for example, instead of standard messages ‘AUX
ZONE ALARM’ and ‘AUX ZONE RESTORE’ other messages, for example, ‘VALVE OPEN’
Message renaming is defined on the tab ‘Message renaming’ of
Create renaming script, select base messages to be renamed, select sound signals, set alarm
levels and select categories of renamed messages. Alarm level determines the priority order for
displaying message by the console LCD if few alarm messages are received. Higher alarm level
value corresponds to the higher displaying priority of alarm messages. Message category is
intended to classify messages with the aim of printing or transmitting to the ‘S2000-K’
keyboards or ‘S2000-IT’ phone communicators. Renaiming script having been created should be
associated with corresponding zones.
Controlling ‘S2000-BI’ devices settings
‘S2000M’ panel with programmed partitions can be connected to ‘S2000-BI’ indication
units. Prior, configuration of indication blocks with the help of ‘S2000M’ console or program
’ has to be set. Minimal setup is programming partition number for each indicator. At
connecting indication units to ‘S2000M’ console LED ‘S2000-BI’ indicators will show states of