rights is determined by
access level
of its password. Access level determines permitted partition
list and control rights for each partition. Device’s rights are determined by permitted control
partition list of this device. All partition control right information (access levels, password and
device rights) are programming in the ‘S2000M’ console. Access levels and device rights can be
given by program ‘
’ only. Passwords can be set by both program ‘
’, and by
In console up to 252 access levels with partition control rights can be set. Access levels
should be given before passwords programming. At adding for each access level number from 1
to 252, list of permitted partition for control, for each partition in the list control rights (permit or
not arm, disarm) have to be set. If for access level arm and disarm are not permitted, then
password owner can only view the states of accessible partitions. It has to take into account the
restriction that just 8 access levels can have control rights for the same partition.
To create access level choose ‘Authority levels’ tab of program ‘
’. This tab
consists of two windows. Top window ‘Authority levels’ contains tree of added to the console
configuration access levels, where each level has partition list, that he gives right to control.
Bottom window ‘Partitions’ contain list of all partitions, added in configuration. To create
authority level press button ‘Add athority level’. In the inspector window in line ‘Number’ select
authority level number (Number has to be in the range from 1 to 252), and in line ‘Description’
type text name (this parameter is additional and not saved in console). Further in created level it
is need to add partitions for control. Partition is added by ‘dragging’ from bottom window
‘Partitions’ in selected level of top window ‘Authority levels’. The partition will be added in the
authority level partition list. Selected partition, in the inspector’s window control privilegies of
the partition can be set, enabling or denying arm or disarm.
Adding and editing of passwords are made on the ‘Passwords’ tab of program
’. At password setting user number, password type, code value and the password
access level have to be set. Also user text identificator can be given. Also user text identificator
(name) can be set. All these parameter are set in the inspector window controls. For new
password press button ‘Add password’ and in the inspector window in line ‘Number’ set
identificator number, in line ‘Code’ set identificator value, in line ‘User’ set user text description,
in line ‘Authority levels’ set password authority level. To edit parameter select line by double
mouse click and input new value.
User number is number from 1 to 2047, which with text description identify user in the
system. Password with number one 1 – is main password always (set up password). It has type
‘main password’ (PIN – code from 1 to 8 digits) and used for programming only. User
passwords can have numbers from 2 up to 2047. It is recommended to type text description also.
User name – any text string with length up to 16 symbols.
Console support two user identification ways: PIN - code (digit password) at console or
‘S2000-K’ or ‘S2000-KS’ keyboards and Touch Memory key or Proximity - cards at ‘S2000-4’
and ‘S2000-2’. Respectively, there are differ two type of identificators: PIN - code (password of
‘S2000-K’, ‘S2000-KS’ keyboards and ‘S2000M’ console) and Touch Memory key or Proximity
- cards (password of ‘S2000-4’ and ‘S2000-4’ devices). Identificator type determined by
program automatically. Entered at ‘S2000-K’ keyboard password has to contain 4 digits. If
password entered at ‘S2000’ console, then it can contain from 1 to 8 digits. Maximum length of
user password for ‘S2000’ console determine by value of the ‘CODE LENGTH’ parameter.