Step 5.
Re move the bear ing hous ing from the cru ci ble mount ing flange.
Pro ce dure 3: Re as sem bly of Bear ing Housing As sem bly
Step 1.
Put the pivot shaft in place in side the bear ing hous ing, mak ing sure that both parts face the
cor rect di rec tion. Fig ures 5-16 and 5-17 show these parts cor rectly as sem bled.
Step 2.
Care fully slide the two bear ings and the thicker bear ing spacer into the space be tween the
pivot shaft and the bear ing hous ing. Be very care ful to avoid jam ming any parts or scratch -
ing the pivot shaft as you do so.
The bearings in this assembly are precision bearings and must be
handled carefully.
Step 3.
Put the re tain ing ring in place, us ing the same snap-ring tool you used dur ing dis as sem bly.
There will be approximately 1/8" of vertical play between the part of
this assembly until it is secured to the crucible mounting flange.
Pro ce dure 4: Quad Ring In stal la tion
Step 1.
Check to make sure that the bronze backup washer and the cru ci ble mount ing flange will
slide over the pivot shaft with out bind ing.
Step 2.
Place the cru ci ble mount ing flange up side down on a clean work sur face (i.e., with the
counterbored seat for the quad ring fac ing up ward).
Step 3.
Liberally lu bri cate the quad ring with a low va por pres sure (Apiezon L or equiv a lent). When
the ring is cor rectly lu bri cated, all four of its grooves should be at least par tially full of
Step 4.
Care fully work the quad ring into the counterbore in the cru ci ble mount ing flange.
Pro ce dure 5: Attaching the Bear ing Housing As sem bly to the Cru ci ble Mount ing Flange
Step 1.
With the cru ci ble mount ing flange in the same po si tion, put the bronze backup washer in
place in its counterbore, di rectly on top of the quad ring.
Step 2.
Place the bear ing hous ing as sem bly right-side-up on the work sur face (i.e., with the as sem -
bly rest ing on the pivot shaft’s lower end, which has the O-ring groove).
Step 3.
Set the thin ner bear ing spacer in place in the top bore of the bear ing hous ing.
Step 4.
Pick up the cru ci ble mount ing flange and turn it over, hold ing the bronze backup washer
against the quad ring to keep it from mov ing.
Step 5.
Holding the backup washer this way, care fully work the mount ing flange onto the pivot
shaft, twist ing or rock ing the flange slightly to al low the quad ring to slide over the top lip of
Source Disassembly
Содержание Temescal SuperSource2 STIH-270-2PT
Страница 54: ...Operation 3 18 0101 9004 0A STIH 270 2PT...