The con den sates de pos ited on the tank walls of a vac uum sys tem are gen er ally in the form of ex tremely fine
par ti cles. The na ture, as well as the form, of the ma te ri als pose the fol low ing po ten tial health haz ards:
a) In haling fine par ti cles (pow der) may cause dam age to the lungs. To help pre vent this, wear a pro tec -
tive res pi ra tor mask with fine fil ter that has been ap proved by the Na tional In sti tute for Oc cu pa tional
Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the fed eral Mine Safety and Health Ad min is tra tion (MSHA).
b) Some sub stances are toxic and in hal ing them should be avoided. Take steps to as cer tain whether or
not the ma te rial be ing de pos ited is a known toxic sub stance. Re fer to the Ma te rial Safety Data
Sheet(s) cov er ing the evaporant(s) in ques tion.
c) Cer tain pow ders (ti ta nium, for in stance) can cause flash fires when ex posed to ox y gen or other ox i -
diz ers. There fore, when open ing the cham ber door af ter a de po si tion cy cle, ex er cise ex treme cau tion
and al low time for the coat ing sur face to ox i dize. Break age of some of the more re ac tive con den sates
may be haz ard ous, even when the above pre cau tions are ob served. In this sit u a tion, fire-pro tec tive
cloth ing should be worn.
Содержание Temescal SuperSource2 STIH-270-2PT
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