Evac u ate the vac uum cham ber to a pres sure less than 5
Continuous operation at pressures higher than 5
drastically reduces filament life and may result in severe arcing
within the chamber.
Switch on the high volt age and set the HV con trol for the de sired ac cel er a tion volt age.
Ad just the lon gi tu di nal de flec tion cur rent so that it will keep the beam spot away from the edge of
the pocket. If this cur rent is con trolled by ei ther the e-beam power sup ply or a stan dard (i.e., non-bi -
po lar) beam sweep con trol ler, ad just the con trol for that cur rent to .5 A. If the de flec tion coils are
con trolled by a bi po lar beam sweep con trol ler, set the lon gi tu di nal cur rent to 0 A.
Check to see whether the po si tion in ter lock LED is lit. If it is not, then the lim its for this in ter lock are
set in cor rectly. If you con clude that it is the case, switch off the high volt age and ad just the beam lim -
its. To do so, fol low the pro ce dure pre scribed in the man ual for ei ther the e-beam power sup ply or
the beam sweep con trol ler, de pend ing on which de vice sup plies the sig nal for the po si tion in ter lock.
Then be gin this pro ce dure again from step 1.
If the de flec tion coils are con trolled by a beam sweep con trol ler, or if the power sup ply pro vides lat -
eral de flec tion con trol, set the lat eral de flec tion cur rent to 0 A.
Set the emis sion cur rent con trol to 0 A.
It is critical to make sure that the emission current is set for 20 mA
or less before you switch on the filament current. Failure to do so
could result in damage to the source. The safest way to ensure that
this is the case is to turn the emission control on the e-beam power
supply all the way counterclockwise.
Switch on the fil a ment cur rent.
Slowly turn up the fil a ment cur rent un til the emis sion cur rent read out in di cates 20 mA. Looking at
the source through a viewport, you should now see a flu o res cence on the sur face of the evaporant
ma te rial. This flu o res cence should be some where be tween the cen ter and the rear edge of the pocket.
If no flu o res cence ap pears, or if it ap pears some where along the edge of the pocket or on some other
part of the source, the lim its for the beam po si tion in ter lock may be set im prop erly. If you con clude
that it is the case, switch off the fil a ment cur rent and the high volt age and per form the pro ce dure for
set ting the beam lim its. (Re fer to the man ual for ei ther the e-beam power sup ply or the beam sweep
con trol ler, de pend ing on which de vice sup plies the sig nal for the po si tion in ter lock.) Then be gin this
pro ce dure again from step 1.
Do NOT increase the emission current above 20 mA in an attempt to
find the beam spot. Doing so may result in serious damage to the
Ad just the lon gi tu di nal de flec tion cur rent un til the flu o res cence is cen tered lon gi tu di nally in the
pocket. (With no lat eral de flec tion cur rent ap plied, the beam should au to mat i cally be cen tered lat er -
ally in the pocket. If it is not, con sult Sec tion 6, Trou ble shoot ing.)
Содержание Temescal SuperSource2 STIH-270-2PT
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