![BOC Edwards Temescal SuperSource2 STIH-270-2PT Скачать руководство пользователя страница 19](http://html1.mh-extra.com/html/boc-edwards/temescal-supersource2-stih-270-2pt/temescal-supersource2-stih-270-2pt_manual_2781970019.webp)
The feedthroughs de scribed be low are re quired for in stal la tion of the PopTop SuperSource2.
The high-cur rent oc tal feedthrough, which pro vides the con duit from at mo sphere to vac uum
for the de flec tion coil cur rent.
The or der ing num ber for the oc tal feedthrough is:
1"-dia. O-ring-sealed oc tal
Two high-voltage feedthroughs, which pro vide the con duit from at mo sphere to vac uum for
the power sup plied to the emit ter as sem bly.
The or der ing num bers for high-voltage feedthroughs are:
1"-dia. O-ring-sealed HV feedthrough
One air/water feedthrough, which pro vides the con duit from at mo sphere to vac uum for the
source’s cool ing wa ter and pneu matic cyl in der. It is O-ring sealed (PN 0629-0780-2). An
ad just able flow switch is pro vided. The max i mum pres sure rat ing is 100 psig (7.0 kg/cm2).
One ro tary-motion feedthrough (PN 9999-0013-1). The ro tary drive con nected to this
ferrofluid-type feedthrough can be ei ther man u ally op er ated or mo tor driven. Note that even
with a man u ally ro tated source, an ex ter nal in dex ing mech a nism is re quired to raise and
lower the cover in addition to en sure that the cru ci ble can re li ably be po si tioned with a
pocket in the cor rect ‘home’ or evap o ra tion po si tion.
Tur ret In dexer Con trol ler
Temescal’s TRC-3460 tur ret in dexer con trol ler (PN 0040-9380-0) fea tures man ual and au to matic pocket se -
lec tion, for ward and re verse ro ta tion, and elec tronic phase ad just ment via its front panel. The TRC-3460 can
be con fig ured for use with a wide va ri ety of cru ci bles, in clud ing 4-, 6-, and 8-pocket cru ci bles, cru ci bles with
var i ous com bi na tions of cir cu lar pock ets and ba nana-shaped troughs, and con tin u ous-trough evaporant
carou sels.
Beam Sweep Con trol ler
The Temescal SS64 (PN 0611-8570-0) is a pro gram ma ble beam sweep con trol ler that is com pat i ble with all
Temescal e-beam sources. The unit’s pro pri etary Win dows-based soft ware en ables us ers to sim u late and
mod ify beam sweep pro grams on a PC be fore down loading them to the SS64. Al ter na tively, us ers can em -
ploy a hand-held re mote con trol box to mod ify sweep pro grams in real time. Vari able sweep pro gram pa ram -
e ters in clude am pli tude, fre quency, po si tion and off set, emis sion cur rent, and wave form. Four wave forms
(sine, tri an gle, sawtooth, and clipped) are pre de fined and preloaded in the unit, which pro vides for an ad di -
tional, ar bi trary, user-de fined wave form. The SS64 can store up to 64 user-de fined sweep pro grams, while a
vir tu ally un lim ited num ber of such pro grams can be stored on PC-based com puter me dia.
De po si tion Shut ter Kit
A com plete de po si tion shut ter kit (PN 0413-4313-0) is avail able from Temescal. This kit in cludes the shut ter
ac tu a tor mech a nism, and a ro tary-motion feedthrough for the shut ter drive. Nu mer ous com bi na tions of shut -
ters and shut ter arms are avail able. Con tact Temescal Sales for as sis tance in or der ing these items.
Description and Specifications
Содержание Temescal SuperSource2 STIH-270-2PT
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