Fol low the pro ce dure de scribed be low in op er at ing the source for the first time. Be fore be gin ning this pro ce -
dure, make sure that the fol low ing con di tions are met:
The source has been in stalled in ac cor dance with the in struc tions in Sec tion 2.
The main cir cuit breaker on the elec tron beam power sup ply is in the OFF po si tion.
If you are us ing a beam sweep con trol ler, dis able the sweep func tion, putt ing the unit in po si tion-con -
trol-only mode.
With the vac uum cham ber at at mo sphere, fill the cru ci bles at least half-way with the ma te rial to be
evap o rated.
Con tinue with the fol low ing pro ce dure:
(a) Dis con tinue the air flow to the sys tem and bleed pres sure out of the air lines. Con nect air to
the feed-through us ing the parts con tained in the Air Sys tem for PopTop Source, Bill of Ma -
te rial 0627-3010-0. Use Sche matic 625-2634. Speed con trol ler valves (Item 62) can be in -
stalled any where on the tube line if they are eas ily ac ces si ble. The speed con trol lers should
be set 1/4 to 1/3 turn from fully closed. Note at the bot tom of the air feedthrough that one of
the tubes is very short. This tube is the vent (do not try to in stall any fit tings on this port).
(b) Add source ac tu a tion air so le noids to the air so le noid man i fold. Run 1/4” air line so le noid to
the 1/8” stain less steel pipe fit tings.
(c) Test source by ro tat ing the cru ci ble man u ally from the op er a tor’s sta tion.
(d) Raise source tray into seal ing po si tion.
Evaporating with a crucible less than half-full may cause damage to
the source.
Close the vac uum cham ber.
Switch on the e-beam power sup ply’s main cir cuit breaker, if it is not al ready on.
Make sure that all of the in ter lock LEDs on the e-beam power sup ply—with the pos si ble ex cep tion
of the po si tion in ter lock LED—are lit. (The ques tion of the po si tion in ter lock will be ad dressed
later.) If these LEDs are not lit, take ap pro pri ate ac tion to en sure that the in ter locks are made. Be par -
tic u larly cer tain that the GUN WA TER in ter lock has been made.
Содержание Temescal SuperSource2 STIH-270-2PT
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