CHAPTER 6: Installation
6.2 Accessing the LinkUp 5294 Configurator
This section describes access to the Configurator Mode of the LinkUp 5294. Since logical configuration
is unique for each installation, all system information pertinent to this control unit and its attached
devices must be readily available and understood before proceeding.
To enter System Management Mode, follow these steps:
1. Establish the connection and enter the appropriate Device Type as described in
Section 6.1
. The
prompt “Enter LU Number (0):” is displayed.
2. Enter Port Test Mode by typing 1 in response to the above prompt. The Port Test Mode Menu
3. Select Option 1 from the Port Test Mode Menu to enter System Management Mode. The first entry
into System Management Mode requires no password, but the prompt, “Specify New System
Password:”, appears. Enter a new password to protect against unauthorized access to System
Management Mode.
If the LinkUp 5294 has been previously configured, you may be prompted to enter a
password before entry into System Management Mode is allowed. Get the correct
password from the System Manager. (If the password is not known, see Section 7.7 of
this manual.)
After entry of a password (if required) and/or a new password (or Enter), the System Management
Mode menu is displayed.
4. Select Option 1, Configurator Mode, fran the System Management Mode menu. The prompt “Enter
Item to be Configured:” appears, indicating that you are in Configurator Mode. Refer to
Chapter 7
for compete details on use of the Configurator.
Configure the synchronous port, asynchronous port, and LU parameters as required for your
installation. Save the changes by entering END at the Enter Change(s): prompt. Exit Configurator
and System Management Modes using the same command.
6.3 Connecting Additional Local Terminals
Having specified port characteristics to the LinkUp 5294 with the Configurator, ensure that additional
terminals you connect are configured correctly. For further information refer to
Appendix G
, which
gives individual setup details for all supported terminal types, or consult the literature provided by the
terminal manufacturer.
Connect each terminal to the appropriate asynchronous port of the LinkUp 5294 using a standard RS-
232C cable.
When attaching devices to those ports having DB9 connectors, DB9-to-DB25 converter
cables may be required. Standard IBM AT serial cables, available from your local PC
dealer, may be used.