effectiveness of the inverter’s MPPT algorithm.
Figure 3.11 – PV Simulation Curve
Solar arrays consist of multiple solar cells characterized by a complex
voltage and current profile that is represented in an I-V curve. The I-V
curve of a solar array can be generated automatically or manually using
one of the following two methods:
Automatically generate the I-V curve by specifying four input
parameters: Isc (short circuit current), Voc (open circuit voltage),
Imp (maximum power current), and Vmp (maximum power
voltage). Alternatively, a combination of fill factor parameters
(FF, FFi, FFv) plus Isc and Voc can be used to characterize the
solar array. Up to 16 sets of curve parameters can be created
and downloaded to the PVS supply’s non-volatile memory or
entered directly from the front panel. Based on these input
parameters, the power supply will then automatically calculate