Software Problems
Software Problems
IPX Routing
This section covers some of the problems you may encounter when con-
figuring IPX routing and suggests where to look first for possible solu-
• First, verify that your license is properly set for IPX by displaying
the biboLicInfoTable (Or the
menu under Setup Tool).
A server exists on a remote LAN (over ISDN), but is ‘invisible’ to client
stations on the local LAN.
The server may become “invisible” to client stations if SAP packets are
not being received from this server.
Possible reasons include:
• The SAP protocol has been turned “off” for the ISDN interface and
there are no entries in the ipxStaticServTable. (Verify sapCircState
for each interface in the sapCircTable)
• SAP packets are being filtered out by one of the intermediate rout-
• The ISDN connection can’t be established.
• The service is being removed through aging, see the Update and
AgeMultiplier fields on page 48. These settings must be compatible
with the settings used by the servers on the V!CAS’ LAN.
• The Network Number for the V!CAS’ LAN interface is either not
set (in ipxCircNetNum) or could not be obtained from the server. If
this is the case, the V!CAS can’t send SAP packets over the LAN.
The client never learns of the servers presence.
The client waits for a long time and eventually disconnects when
trying to connect to a server on a remote network accessible via
In some cases, the local router may inform the client that a server is avail-
able but in reality isn’t available any more. Possible reasons include:
• The server has crashed and the Aging interval has not expired yet.