Step-by-step instructions for the most important configuration tasks can be found in the
separate Application Workshop guide for each application, which can be downloaded
from the
website under Solutions.
Dime Manager
The devices are also designed for use with Dime Manager. The Dime Manager manage-
ment tool can locate your bintec devices within the network quickly and easily. The
.NET-based application, which is designed for up to 50 devices, offers easy to use func-
tions and a comprehensive overview of devices, their parameters and files.
By using SNMP multicast all of the devices in your local network can be located irrespect-
ive of their current IP address. A new IP address and password and other parameters can
also be assigned. A configuration can then be initiated over HTTP or TELNET. If using HT-
TP, the Dime Manager automatically logs into the devices on your behalf.
System software files and configuration files can be managed individually as required or in
logical groups for devices of the same type.
You can find the Dime Manager on the enclosed product DVD.
1 Introduction
bintec elmeg GmbH
bintec RS Series