Select the interface to which the rule to be configured applies.
IP Address / Netmask
Enter the IP address and netmask to which the rule is to be ap-
plied. This address can be in the LAN or WAN.
The rules for incoming and outgoing RIP packets (import or ex-
port) for the same IP address must be separately configured.
You can enter individual host addresses or network addresses.
Select whether the filter applies to the export or import of routes.
Possible values:
(default value)
Metric Offset for Active
Select the value to be added to the route metric if the status of
the interface is "up". During export, the value is added to the ex-
ported metric if the interface status is "up".
Possible values are
The default value is
Metric Offset for Inact-
ive Interfaces
Select the value to be added to the route metric if the status of
the interface is "dormant". During export, the value is added to
the exported metric if the interface status is "dormant".
Possible values are
The default value is
12 Routing Protocols
bintec elmeg GmbH
bintec RS Series