A datagram is a self-contained data entity with user and control
data. It generally stands for the terms data frame, data packet and
data segment.
DCN stands for data communication network.
In IPSec, Dead Peer Detection is used to identify IKE peers that can
no longer be accessed.
All the data traffic which is not intended for one's own network is
sent to the default gateway (default router).
See Standard route
The default route is used when no other suitable route is available.
See Default gateway.
Diffie-Hellman is a public key algorithm for negotiating and estab-
lishing keys. Because data is neither encrypted nor signed, the
method is only secure if the connecting partners authenticate them-
selves using other mechanisms such as RSA and DSA.
In a Denial-Of-Service Attack (DoS), a network component is
flooded with queries so that it becomes totally overloaded. As a res-
ult, the system or a particular service can no longer function.
The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is an encryption method (see
Cipher). DES uses a fixed block length of 64 bits. The key length is
56 bits. Triple DES or 3DES is based on using DES three times
(three different, independent keys).
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) allows IP ad-
dresses to be assigned dynamically. A DHCP server allocates each
client in a network an IP address from a defined address pool. The
clients need to be configured accordingly.
When required, a dialup connection is established by dialling a
phone number, in contrast to a fixed connection (see Leased line)
which is permanently enabled.
Desktop Internetworking Management Environment (DIME) is used
to configure and monitor gateways.
See Point-to-point ISDN access and Direct dial-in (VoIP).
Direct dial-in is a VoIP connection that is also known as point-
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