The system automatically assigns the MAC address of the virtual interface according
to the following model: 00:00:5E:00:01:<ID of the virtual router>. The ID of the virtual
router therefore determines the MAC address of the interface, which is used to trans-
mit the usage data.
The configuration of the virtual interface (MAC address, IP address) and the configura-
tion of the virtual router (sending interval for advertisement, master down trials) must
be identical on all routers with the same virtual router ID within the logical group.
You must use IP addresses from different subnets for the advertisement interface and
for the virtual interface.
All virtual interfaces on a physical router should normally have the same priority.
• Configuration of the synchronisation between the virtual router and configuration of the
events, which result in a switching of the operating status of the virtual router.
Controlling the operating status of a virtual router implicitly also controls the operating
status of the interface to which the virtual router is linked. If an error occurs, all interfaces
on a device have to be deactivated. Consequently, the operating status of all interfaces
on a device must be synchronised. This synchronisation is required if multiple interfaces
are monitored on a single device. This configuration is performed in the Local Services-
>BRRP->VR Synchronisation->New menu.
• Switching on the redundancy procedure. This configuration is performed in the Local
Services->BRRP->Options menu.
You configure the advertisement interface and the virtual interface(s) in the Local
Services->BRRP->Virtual Router->New menu. You must configure the same virtual
routers with the same interfaces on all physical routers involved in the redundancy proced-
ure. (However, the virtual routers have different priorities on the various physical routers.) New
Choose the New button to configure other virtual routers.
bintec elmeg GmbH
18 Local Services
bintec RS Series