.'* +$
: UMTS is preferentially used; should
UMTS not be available, GPRS is used.
0* 1(
: Only LTE is used; should LTE be unavailable, no
connection is established.
0* +$ ( /&/!
: LTE is prefer-
ably used; should LTE be unavailable, UMTS is used, and if
UMTS is unavailable, GPRS is used.
0*/.'* ( /&!
: LTE is used. If the strength
and quality of the signal are insufficient with LTE then UMTS
is used.
0*/A ( /!
: LTE is used. If the strength
and quality of the signal are insufficient with LTE then GPRS
is used.
0*/A/.'* ( //&!
: LTE is used. If
the strength and quality of the signal are insufficient with LTE
then GPRS is used. If the strength and quality of the signal
are insufficient with GPRS then UMTS is used.
.'*/0* ( &/!
: UMTS is used. If the
strength and quality of the signal are insufficient with UMTS
then LTE is used.
.'*/A ( &/!
: UMTS is used. If the
strength and quality of the signal are insufficient with UMTS
then GPRS is used.
.'*/0*/A ( &//!
: UMTS is used.
If the strength and quality of the signal are insufficient with
UMTS then LTE is used. If the strength and quality of the sig-
nal are insufficient with LTE then GPRS is used.
A/0* ( /!
: GPRS is used. If the
strength and quality of the signal are insufficient with GPRS
then LTE is used.
A/.'* ( /&!
: GPRS is used. If the
strength and quality of the signal are insufficient with GPRS
then UMTS is used.
A/0*/.'* ( //&!
: GPRS is used.
If the strength and quality of the signal are insufficient with
GPRS then LTE is used. If the strength and quality of the sig-
nal are insufficient with LTE then UMTS is used.
bintec elmeg GmbH
8 Physical Interfaces
bintec RS Series