Dial the num ber of the par ty you wish to call.
You will hear the rin ging sig nal in your hand set. The par ty will be cal led.
The par ty being cal led lifts up the hand set of his/her phone.
You would like to in clu de this par ty in the first call.
Dial this code.
Con duct your three-par ty con fer en ce call.
You would now li ke to ex clu de the par ty that you first brought in to the con fer en ce call from furt her con ver sa ti on.
This cal ler then re mains on hold in an in qui riy call.
Dial this code.
You can then con ti nue your call with the se cond par ty. The first par ty is on hold.
The con fer en ce is en ded when you hang up your hand set. A par ty in clu ded in the con fer en ce call can hang up at any
time and the par ty which in itia ted the call can then con ti nue the con fer en ce with the re mai ning cal lers.
System parked inquiry
You are tal king on the te le pho ne and would li ke to rou te this call to a col lea gue. Ho we ver, you are un su re about your
colleague’s cur rent lo ca ti on. Use the »sys tem park ed in qui ry« fea tu re to keep the cal ler wit hin the PABX wai ting
loop. You can now use your te le pho ne for an an noun ce ment or mes sa ge sig na ling to your col lea gue that he or she has
a wai ting in qui ry call. The nu me ric code of the sys tem park ed in qui riy al lows the col lea gue to accept the call from any
This pro ce du re is pos si ble from ana log, ISDN, and sys tem te le pho nes. The sys tem park ed in qui ry is in itia ted with the
in qui ry call fea tu re. The cal led sub scri ber uses the in qui ry call fea tu re to di al the de fault nu me ric code (
) or
one of 4 con fi gu ra ble nu me ric codes from the in ter nal te le pho ne num ber plan. If the di aled ex ten si on is not al rea dy
being used for a dif fe rent sys tem park ed in qui ry, the sub scri ber will he ar a po si ti ve ac knowled ge ment sig nal and
hangs up the te le pho ne. If the ne ga ti ve ac knowled ge ment sig nal is he ard, the sub scri ber can cels the in qui ry call and
re pe ats the pro cess for anot her in ter nal ex ten si on re lea sed for the sys tem park ed in qui ry. Du ring sys tem park ed in -
qui ry, the ex ter nal sub scri ber will be put on hold by the sys tem and will he ar mu sic on hold (when pro gram med). The
te le pho ne is now avai la ble for ot her uses, for ex am ple an an noun ce ment or mes sa ge. If the call wit hin the wai ting
loop is not accepted by a subscriber within a specified time, the initiating subscriber receives a call-back or a
call-waiting signal.
The sys tem park ed in qui ry is pos si ble on ly from wit hin an ex ter nal or in ter nal con nec ti on. On ly one in qui ry call is
pos si ble for each code. If an in ter nal num ber is al rea dy being used for »Sys tem park ed in qui ry« you must se arch for
an un used in ter nal num ber. On ly sub scri bers with at least an »in co ming re cei ve on ly aut ho ri za ti on« can ac cept a call
from the sys tem park ed in qui ry loop of an ex ter nal wai ting / on hold caller; all other subscribers hear a busy signal.
Initiating a system-parked inquiry
Con fig. in ter nal
num ber
sig nal
Re pla ce
hand set
Cal ling se ve ral te le pho nes (team call)
Con duc ting calls with se ve ral sub scri bers
Содержание elmeg T444
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Страница 92: ...LAN2 WAN xDSL10MBit S via RJ45 jack Technical specifications Troubleshooting 82...
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