Preparing and activating a direct call with set numbers
Lift up
hand set
Call num ber
sig nal
Re pla ce
hand set
Now, when you lift up your hand set the di rect call num ber will be di aled af ter five se conds.
Activating direct dial-in
Lift up
hand set
De ac ti va te
di rect di al-in
Re ac ti va ting a di rect
di al-in
sig nal
Re pla ce
hand set
The num bers sto red in the PABX for di rect calls are re tai ned even when the di rect call functi on is de ac ti vat ed.
Deleting a direct dial-in number
Lift up
hand set
De le te a
di rect di al-in
sig nal
Re pla ce
hand set
The sto red di rect di al-in num ber is de le ted.
Voice announcement
You can use an ana log port of your PABX for an in ter com functi on by con fi gu ring this port for voi ce an noun ce ments.
This en ab les you ma ke voi ce an noun ce ments for ex am ple in to a wai ting room via an internal telephone.
A voi ce an noun ce ment ex ten si on can be rea ched by in ter nal de vi ces only.
Lift up
hand set
Di al the in ter nal num ber of the voi ce
an noun ce ment ex ten si on
Voi ce an noun ce ment
Ter mi na te voi ce an noun ce ment
Room monitoring
You can mo ni tor a room acous ti cal ly from a te le pho ne in your PABX sys tem, or from an ex ter nal te le pho ne. To do
this, the te le pho ne in the room to be mo ni to red must be en ab led for room mo ni to ring with the cor rect code and the
hand set re mo ved from the hol der, or hands-free cal ling must be ac ti vat ed. If you hang up the hand set of the pho ne in
the room being mo ni to red, or if you de ac ti va te hands-free cal ling, room mo ni to ring is en ded and the fea tu re is de ac -
ti vat ed again.
This fea tu re can not be used in con juncti on with inquiriy call, call forwarding or team call functions.
Cal ling se ve ral te le pho nes (team call)
Ma king out si de calls
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