PABX Des crip ti on
The PABX sys tem is an ISDN te le com mu ni ca tions sys tem at an ISDN point-to-mul ti point or point-to-point con nec -
ti on that em ploys the Eu ro ISDN pro to col (DSS1). Ana log ter mi nal de vi ces can be con nec ted via in te gra ted jacks.
The PABX sys tem is al so equip ped with an in ter nal ISDN port, al lo wing an ISDN ter mi nal de vi ce to be con nec ted at
its RJ45 jacks. Fi xed cab ling using ter mi nals is al so pos si ble for ana log con nec tions. Two ana log ports are rou ted out
via a com mon RJ45 jack. As signment of in ter nal pho ne num bers is free ly con fi gu ra ble bet ween 00... 99. Cal ling using
ana log ter mi nal de vi ces should be con duc ted using the to ne dia ling (DTMF) me thod, and the se de vi ces should be
equip ped with a Flash key. Ana log ter mi nal de vi ces that use pul se dia ling can not be used for functions or codes.
Plea se no te that the but tons on so me ISDN ter mi nals avai la ble on the mar ket may li mit the use of the fea tu res pro vi -
ded by the PABX sys tem. All ter mi nal devices connected to the system must be »TC Terminals Guideline« or
»R&TTE Guideline« approved.
The PABX sys tem al so pro vi des all of the functions ne ces sa ry for high-speed In ter net ac cess for a sing le pcs, or for
com ple te LANs via xDSL or ISDN. He re the fi re wall in te gra ted in to the PABX sys tem, to get her with the NAT (net -
work ad dress trans la ti on) functi on, pro vi des the ne ces sa ry se cu ri ty; the functions DHCP ser ver and DNS proxy en -
su re that the sco pe of con fi gu ra ti on, both for your PABX system and your PC, is kept to a minimum.
In ter net ac cess for all of the PCs con nec ted to the PABX sys tem is pro vi ded via one sing le con nec ti on (SUA - sing le
user ac count); on ly one set of ac cess da ta is re qui red from your In ter net ser vi ce providers (ISP).
Loss of power
Du ring a loss of po wer you can in itia te or re cei ve calls at an ISDN or sys tem te le pho ne ca pa ble of emer gen cy ope ra ti -
on. Ot her te le pho nes or ter mi nal de vi ces can not be rea ched as long as power is down.
In the event of a loss of po wer, all sto red con tents (pro gram and ap pli ca ti on da ta) are re tai ned in the PABX wit hout
any chan ges. The in ter nal clock for the pho ne sys tem is set au to ma ti cal ly via the ISDN port on the next external call.
You can cle an your PABX wit hout any dif fi cul ties. Use a slight ly mois te ned cloth or an an ti-sta tic cloth for this. Do
not use any sol vents! Ne ver use a dry cloth; Elec tro sta tic char ges could da ma ge the elec tro nics in the sys tem. Al ways
en su re, ho we ver, that no moi stu re pe ne tra tes in to your PABX, as this could result in damage to the PABX.
Sa fe ty no tes
Important safety information for handling the PABX system
Un aut ho ri zed ope ning of the PABX and im pro per re pairs may re sult in risk of in ju ry for the user.
At ten ti on: Un plug the 230 V AC plug-in po wer supp ly be fo re re mo ving the en clo su re co ver of the PABX and wor -
king on the ca ble ter mi nal bay. Re pla ce the top on the PABX be fo re plug ging the po wer con nec tor back in.
Plug the plug-in po wer supp ly unit into the 230 V ~ so cket so that the con nec ting cord to the PABX sys tem points
Sa fe ty no tes
PABX Des crip ti on
Содержание elmeg T444
Страница 1: ...elmegT444 Operating instructions English...
Страница 10: ...Table of contents...
Страница 88: ...Description of the router functions 78...
Страница 92: ...LAN2 WAN xDSL10MBit S via RJ45 jack Technical specifications Troubleshooting 82...
Страница 100: ...Brief description of functions 90...
Страница 101: ......