Ne ver Out of Touch
Call forwarding
Using the functi on »Call for war ding«, the PABX pro vi des you with a me ans for re mai ning ac ces si ble, even if you lea -
ve your desk or pho ne. This is achie ved by the sys tem au to ma ti cal ly for war ding calls to anot her in ter nal or ex ter nal
num ber. Du ring PC con fi gu ra ti on for the PABX you can spe ci fy for each in ter nal ex ten si on whet her this fea tu re is to
be exe cu ted within your PABX system or in the exchange.
Call forwarding by the PABX
The PABX con nects the cal ling par ty with the in ter nal or ex ter nal sub scri ber that you ha ve spe ci fied. The B chan nel
of the ISDN con nec ti on is used for an ex ter nal call, de pen ding on your par ti cu lar configuration.
Call for war ding can al so be ma de to a team num ber.
Call forwarding in the exchange
You can use this op ti on at the net work ser vi ce pro vi der if you have ac ti vat ed the se ser vi ces for your con nec -
ti on. Con tact your net work ser vi ce pro vi der for more information.
The ex chan ge con nects cal ling par ties with the ex ter nal num ber that you have spe ci fied. In ter nal call for -
war ding is ac ti vat ed by the PABX wit hin the PABX.
At a point-to-mul ti point con nec ti on all calls are for war ded for the MSN that is cal led. Ot her ter mi nal de vi -
ces of the PABX to which the same MSN has been as sig ned are not cal led (parti al rerouting).
If call for war ding has been con fi gu red but is not car ried out by the ex chan ge (be cau se this fea tu re was not ap plied
for) calls will au to ma ti cal ly be for war ded by the PABX.
There are three different variants of call forwarding:
Call for war ding im me di ate ly:
The call is for war ded im me di ate ly to the de fi ned number.
Call for war ding on no ans wer: The call is for war ded af ter 15 se conds (de pen ding on the set ting in the PABX
or at the ex chan ge; parti al rerouting).
Call for war ding on busy:
The call is for war ded only if the des ti na ti on te le pho ne is busy.
On going call for war ding calls also be over writ ten by a new call for war ding. Ot her call for war ding va riants may also
be ac ti vat ed si mul ta ne ous ly. For ex am ple call for war ding »by time«, to num ber 12345 and call for war ding »on
busy«, to num ber 45677.
Activating call forwarding
Using this pro ce du re, all calls will be for war ded to the MSN to which the ter mi nal de vi ce in itia ting the functi on is as -
sig ned, even if se ve ral ter mi nal de vi ces are as sig ned to this MSN.
Cal ling se ve ral te le pho nes (team call)
Ne ver Out of Touch
Содержание elmeg T444
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