Mo ni to ring costs
Call data records
The PABX can sto re up to 500 call da ta re cords. This da ta is not lost in the event of a loss of po wer.
The PABX ge ner ates a call da ta re cord for every ex ter nal call. The call da ta re cords con tain de tai led in for ma ti on
about the call. For ex.: Da te and time, du ra ti on of the call, num ber of the cal led par ty, num ber of the cal ling par ty, ty -
pe of con nec ti on, com mu ni ca ti on costs and possible project numbers.
In the de fault sta te, all ex ter nal calls that you in itia te are sto red. In co ming calls can be log ged in two dif fe rent ways.
Only in co ming calls with a cer tain pro ject nu mer are sto red.
All in co ming calls are sto red.
Plea se note that only the net work ser vi ce pro vi der is aut ho ri zed for bin ding con nec ti on/call cost log ging.
For con fi gu ra ti on in for ma ti on using the te le pho ne plea se re fer to pa ge 57.
Call data record overflow
The me mo ry for your call da ta re cords is li mit ed. If the PABX me mo ry has al rea dy sto red mo re than 480 com mu ni -
ca ti on da ta sets, a com mu ni ca ti on da ta over flow can be in di ca ted by sys tem te le pho nes. De pen ding on the sys tem te -
le pho ne ty pe used, the cal ler list eit her dis plays the ser vi ce num ber to get her with a mes sa ge or the ser vi ce num ber
on ly. The sys tem telephone is specified when configuring the PABX.
ISDN terminals
The com mu ni ca ti on / call char ges can be dis play ed at ISDN ter mi nal de vi ces that sup port this feature.
Analog terminal devices
With your PABX sys tem it is pos si ble to trans mit the char ge ra te in for ma ti on as me te ring pul ses via the ana log ports
with ap pro pria te ly equip ped ter mi nal de vi ces. In the in iti al sta te trans mis si on of the 12 or 16 kHz char ge pul se is de -
ac ti vat ed. On ac count of the tech no lo gy used in ISDN for the con nec ti on/call cost trans fer, con nec ti on/call costs may
con ti nue to be trans mit ted even af ter the con nec ti on has been ter mi na ted. With all of the ana log ter mi nal de vi ces
avai la ble on the mar ket, it may not al ways be pos si ble for the char ge pul se trans mit ted by your PABX sys tem at the
con clu si on of a con nec ti on to be re cei ved pro per ly by the ter mi nal de vi ce you are using. Plea se ob ser ve the in struc -
tions in the ope ra ting ma nu al for your ter mi nal device.
The transmit pulse frequency can be set during PC configuration to 12kHz or 16kHz.
Charge counter
The PABX ma na ges a char ge coun ter for each in ter nal user on the ba sis of the trans mit ted char ge ra te in tor ma ti on.
The coun ter logs the costs of all calls. You can use the PABX me nu or the char ge log ger pro gram to dis play the coun ter
for an in ter nal user. You can al so reset the counters.
Mo ni to ring costs
Cal ling se ve ral te le pho nes (team call)
Содержание elmeg T444
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Страница 92: ...LAN2 WAN xDSL10MBit S via RJ45 jack Technical specifications Troubleshooting 82...
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