BinTec elmeg T444 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 48

num ber. And to ma ke mat ters wor se, both ex ter nal B chan nels of the ISDN con nec ti on are bu sy.
You ha ve, ho we ver, “in form ed” your PABX of emer gen cy num bers that must al ways be rea cha ble in the event of
emer gen cies. If you di al one of the se emer gen cy call num berst he num ber is re cog ni zed by the PABX and a B chan nel
“freed” automatically by the PABX for an emergency call. 

You can en ter up to six (6) emer gen cy num bers du ring PC con fi gu ra ti on. Emer gen cy num bers are not af fec ted by
any  call  aut ho ri za ti on  pa ra me ters  or  call  con trol  that  are  configured. 

For the functi on »Ma king calls with di rect ex chan ge li ne ac cess« the ex ter nal ISDN con nec ti on is ta ken and cal ling is
per mit ted. If the ex ter nal B chan nels are bu sy, a B chan nel is freed (re lea sed) and the par ties con duc ting their call on
that chan nel will he ar a bu sy sig nal. An emer gen cy call al rea dy in progress is not interrupted.

For the functi on »Ma king calls wit hout di rect ex chan ge li ne ac cess« the in ter nal con nec ti on is bu sy and in ter nal calls
can be ma de. You must di al a »0« be fo re ma king an ex ter nal call. If all of the ex ter nal B chan nels are bu sy, one B chan -
nel is dis con nec ted and the par ties con duc ting their call on that chan nel will he ar a bu sy sig nal. An emer gen cy call al -
rea dy in progress is not interrupted.

If calls are in pro gress using two ISDN te le pho nes on the same in ter nal ISDN bus, it is not pos si ble to in itia te an
emer gen cy call from a third ISDN te le pho ne on this bus.

Dial ranges

Du ring  con fi gu ra ti on  you  can  de fi ne  re stric tions  for  pla cing  ex ter nal  calls  for  cer tain  ter mi nal  devices.

Dia ling re gions are not ac ti vat ed in the de fault set tings. In PC con fi gu ra ti on you can as sign each ter mi nal de vi ce in di -
vi du al ly  to  call  control.

The num bers lis ted in the Re stric ted Num bers tab le (in the Sec ti on »Re stric ted Num bers«) can not be di aled using
the ana log ter mi nal de vi ces in clu ded in the as so cia ted dia ling re gi on. For ex am ple, the en try of the num ber »0190« in
the list would pre vent calls being ma de to cost ly ser vi ce pro vi ders.
The en tries in the un re stric ted num bers tab le (in the Sec ti on »Un re stric ted num bers«) can can cel a por ti on of the re -
stric tions im po sed on num bers in call re stric ti on. For ex am ple, if the num ber »0190123456« is en te red in the un re -
stric ted num bers tab le, this num ber may be di aled, even if all »0190« num bers ha ve been in hi bi ted by call re stric ti on.
If two iden ti cal num bers (iden ti cal se quen ce of di gits and sa me num ber of di gits) are entered as both barred and
restricted, then these numbers can not be dialed.

If the pre fix num ber for a dif fe rent net work ser vi ce pro vi der is di aled from a num ber that is in hi bi ted by the dia ling
re gi on, that dia ling re gi on is not active.

Sub scri bers  wit hout  aut ho ri za ti on  for  ex ter nal  calls  can  ob tain  the  aut ho ri za ti on  to  make  ex ter nal  calls  to  the se
num bers.

Anot her pos si ble set ting op ti on is the re gio nal num bers. The users can not ma ke any do mes tic long-dis tan ce or in -
ter na tio nal calls. Ten (10) spe ci al num bers can be con fi gu red for the se cal ling pri vi le ges; the se num bers can be used
to  ma ke  do mes tic  long-dis tan ce  or  in ter na tio nal  calls.  A  spe ci al  num ber  can  con sist  of  a  com ple te  pho ne  num ber  or
parts of a number (for example the first few digits).

Time acceptance

You can ac ti va te or de ac ti ve the time ac cep tan ce functi on from the ISDN net work. This fea tu re is re qui red, in ca se
the ISDN net work do es not trans mit the time cor rect ly.  In the event of a loss of po wer, all sto red con tents (pro gram
and ap pli ca ti on da ta) are re tai ned in the PABX wit hout any chan ges. The in ter nal clock for the PABX sys tem is up da -
ted au to ma ti cal ly du ring the next ex ter nal call (if con fi gu red). Ac ti vat ion of ac cep ting the updated time is set via PC

Fea tu res  wit hout  user  ac ti on

Cal ling  se ve ral  te le pho nes  (team  call)


Содержание elmeg T444

Страница 1: ...elmegT444 Operating instructions English...

Страница 2: ...domesticwasteatanappropriatewastedisposalfacilityattheendof itsusefulservicelife Youwillfindadditionalinformationonanindividualreturningoftheoldappli ances under www bintec elmeg com bintec elmeg GmbH...

Страница 3: tone 421 Hz 6 Calling cycles 7 Internal call Internal call back internal recall 7 Internal call internal call back internal recall with Clip 7 External call external call back external recall 7 Ext...

Страница 4: ...logphones 17 Deletinganautomatic CompletionofCallonNoAnswer withISDNphones 17 Calling several telephones team call 17 DefiningYourOwnNumberfortheNextCall 18 Suppressing transmission of your own number...

Страница 5: ...r 28 System telephones 29 Transmissionofcommunicationcostsbythenetworkserviceprovider 29 Callaccount chargelimitation pocketmoneyaccount 29 Notes 29 Least Cost Routing LCR 29 LCR Professional features...

Страница 6: ...ence call 42 Initiate a three party conference call 42 System parked inquiry 43 Initiating a system parked inquiry 43 Accepting a system parked inquiry 44 Functionkeysforcallsonhold parkkeys 44 Modifi...

Страница 7: ...settings to initial state 57 Resettingthefeaturesforoneinternalsubscriberorforall 58 Configuration by the specialized dealer 58 Remote access 58 Remoteaccesswithcalltothedealer sservicecenter 58 Remot...

Страница 8: ...emtotheEthernet 10BaseT port 70 Connecting a pcs via USB 70 ConnectionofaPCthroughEthernetorFastEthernet 71 Connecting several PCs via Ethernet 71 Configuring the PCs 72 IP addresses 72 You can config...

Страница 9: ...7 Broker s call 87 Completion of call 87 Three party conference call 88 Call waiting 88 Announcement 88 Call modes 88 Call modes for teams 88 Call forwarding 88 Follow me 88 Room monitoring 88 Inhibit...

Страница 10: ...Table of contents...

Страница 11: of configuration both for your PABX system and your PC is kept to a minimum Internet access for all of the PCs connected to the PABX system is provided via one single connection SUA single user acc...

Страница 12: ...emintheimmediatevicinityofelectronicde vicessuchasstereoequipment electronicofficeequipmentormicrowaveunits AvoidinstallingyourPABXnearsourcesofexcessiveheat e g radiatorsorinroomswithexcessivehumi di...

Страница 13: ...n flickering Data link established LAN Indicatesthenetworkconnectionstatus Green lit 100Mbit s network connection established Green flickering 100Mbit s data link Orange lit 10Mbit s network connectio...

Страница 14: ...PABX Please repeat the operation All LEDs flashing New firmware being downloaded into the PABX Do not remove the plug in power supply unit for the PABX system during this phase as it can result in dat...

Страница 15: ...phonerings t Youcandialthedesirednumber 1x0 Dialaspecifiedcode numberorcharacter x Dialacodeoracharacter R Promptsyoutopresstheflashkey signalkey q Indicatesthatanacknowledgementsignalcanbeheardintheh...

Страница 16: ...ccepted Negative acknowledgement signal mixed tone 421Hz and 320 Hz ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ If you hear this tone the selected function can not be used or the feature has not been configur...

Страница 17: ...called with this signal External call external call back external recall _________________________ _______________ External call You are called by an external party External call back You are called...

Страница 18: with the exception of the CS290 Intercom An intercom call allows you to set up a connection from one system telephone to another system telephone without this connection having to be accepted by...

Страница 19: ...OK You must now begin dialing by lifting the handset Note WhenusingsystemtelephonesyoucanreachthePABXtelephonedirectorybypressingShift thetelephonedirec tory softkey e B tbook or Telephone directory S...

Страница 20: ...menuyoucanswitchoverthecallmodeforthePABXwithoutusingtheallo cated codes see page 26 The telephones must be authorized for switchover of the call modes Cost logging The cost logging function allows yo...

Страница 21: ...line access you must dial a prefix LAD when you make an external call You will hear the internal dial tone when you lift up your handset Note If your phone is set for Automatic line access you must fi...

Страница 22: ...machine Callsthataresignaledattheansweringmachine theansweringmachinehasnotyetresponded canbetakenwithin agroupusingtheperformancefeature Acceptingacall Iftheansweringmachinehasalreadyacceptedtheconn...

Страница 23: ...r wird gerufen Conversation Announcement Would you like to call your co workers to a meeting or invite your family out to eat SYou could call each separate persontodothis oryoucanusethemessagefunction...

Страница 24: ...allsthroughouttheworld It is sometimes even more advantageous when some telephones are authorized for local calls only phone bills also more transparent The exchange authorization function exists to c...

Страница 25: ...all Trunk group routing discrimination Youcanonlyusethisperformancefeaturewhenyouareusingmorethanoneexternalport onlywithPOTSmodule DSPmodule Inthedefaultsetting theexternalISDNportisusedfirstafterdia...

Страница 26: ...ft your handset a connection is set up automatically to that party Aninternal Completionofcalltobusysubscriber isdeletedautomaticallyafter30minutes Theexternal Comple tion of call to busy subscriber i...

Страница 27: ...acks Ack signal Replace handset Deleting an automatic Completion of Call on No Answer with ISDN phones InternalcompletionofcallsonnoreplyiscanceledwithISDNtelephonesusingthefollowingprocedure Anextern...

Страница 28: ...acertainnumbertransmittedalongwiththecall b 81 t t l g Lift up handset Index for the MSN 0 9 Dial call number Conversation Suppressing transmission of your own number Ifyoudonotwishtohaveyournumberdis...

Страница 29: ...alonlythosetelephonedirectorylistingsthatmatchhisorherspecified callauthorizati on Subscribermaydialalltelephonedirectorylistings Ananalogsubscriberwithnotelephonedirectoryauthorizationhearsthebusysig...

Страница 30: ...for a team call forwarding in the PABX is carried out via the second B channel of the ISDN connection This also applies when the connection has the feature CD call deflection The PABX can not be reach...

Страница 31: ...ncements This enables you make voice announcements for example into a waiting room via an internal telephone Note A voice announcement extension can be reached by internal devices only b t g a Lift up...

Страница 32: ...tate whendelivered theinternalnumber55isenteredastheservicenumber Thisnumbercannotbe used in teams Please note that you must first allocate a multiple subscriber number MSN or direct dial in number to...

Страница 33: activated by entering a code and a project number consisting of up to 6 digits IfyouhaveexportedcalldatarecordsusingthechargemanagersoftwareontheCD youcan forexample sort filter or compile these d...

Страница 34: ...this feature has been applied for at the exchange Initiating the keypad function b 0 or t a Lift up handset Dial line access digit Initiate keypad function Enter codes Replace handset Multifunctional...

Страница 35: ...vatedbythePABXwithinthePABX Atapoint to multipointconnectionallcallsareforwardedfortheMSNthatiscalled Otherterminaldevi cesofthePABXtowhichthesameMSNhasbeenassignedarenotcalled partialrerouting Note I...

Страница 36: ...oneteammembertoateamnumberisnotpossible Ifcallforwardingisinitiated fromoneteamnumbertotheteamnumberforadifferentteam thefunctionwillnotbeactiveandtheuser initiatingthecallforwardingfunctioniscalled F...

Страница 37: ...n The factory setting of the 6 digit authorization PIN 2 is You must change the PIN2 in the PC configuration as otherwise you will not be allowed access to the PABX system You are located at an extern...

Страница 38: ...ber only The system telephone is specified when configuring the PABX ISDN terminals The communication call charges can be displayed at ISDN terminal devices that support this feature Analog terminal d...

Страница 39: ...vailabletothatparticular user are defined in this account If the user uses up his her allotted units he she can then only make internal calls If this limit is reached during an ongoing call the call c...

Страница 40: ...efix Settingoptionsforindividualrou tingprocedures standard trunkgroup MSN Upto50zones withamaximumof200entrieseach prefix phonenumbers subscribers canbeconfigu red YoucanconfigureaGSMgatewayasprovide...

Страница 41: ...e PABX system You can then initiate dialing of the complete number Some network service providers require block dialing to enable direct dialing to a certain terminal device This feature is described...

Страница 42: ...hen a subscriber dials the number for a team the team name is shown in the display of his her phone while the call is in process If a team member answers the call then his or her name will be displaye...

Страница 43: ...ant business calls to your home office to an answering machine after hours so that you will not be disturbed at home In PC configuration you can assign two different call distribution options team cal...

Страница 44: call assignments day and night for one team b 93 or 93 t q a Lift up handset Call mode Day Call mode Night Team number 00 09 Ack signal Replace handset PABX Settings Calling several telephones te...

Страница 45: ...hone Assignmentismadein PCconfigurationinthesection Internalsubscriber underthetab Phonenumber Log inattheSMS centerandreceivingoftheSMSsarethenmadeusingthisnumber IfyouenteranSMS authorized telephone...

Страница 46: ...h a certain MSN Subaddressing is transferred transparently by the PABX You can only utilize this feature if the feature SUB Subaddressing is active for your connection and if it is supported by the IS...

Страница 47: You must make special settings in the Professional Configurator for the PABX system in order to use these types of terminals You can only use this feature if the feature X 31 is activated for yo...

Страница 48: ...not be dialed using theanalogterminaldevicesincludedintheassociateddialingregion Forexample theentryofthenumber 0190 in the list would prevent calls being made to costly service providers Theentriesin...

Страница 49: ...ation Inquiry call You can call another party at any time during an ongoing call g Youareconductingacall Youwouldliketocallanotherparty R PresstheRkey Youwillheartheinternaldialtone t Ifyouwishtospeak...

Страница 50: ...upthehandset Theinternalpar ty is then called and can take the call when he she lifts the handset g Youareconductinganexternalcall R PresstheRkey Youwillheartheinternaldialtone t Dialthenumberoftheint...

Страница 51: ...nnectedintheexchange YourPABXremainsfullyavailable fortwoconnections while the transferred call is in progress You can only utilize this function if the feature ECT has been activated for your ISDN co...

Страница 52: ...rswillbeconnectedwithoneanother Ifyouswitchbackandforthbetweentwoexternalparties broker scall andthenhangupyourhandset the currentcallisterminatedandthecalleronholdwillcallyoubywayofthe Recall If duri...

Страница 53: ...ecalledsubscriberusestheinquirycallfeaturetodialthedefaultnumericcode 596 or one of 4 configurable numeric codes from the internal telephone number plan If the dialed extension is not already being us...

Страница 54: ...s Customizing the default PABX numeric code adds an extension from the internal telephone number plan of the system Enter all changed code numbers in the table Various code numbers can be entered for...

Страница 55: ...ceequipmentormicrowaveunits AvoidinstallingyourPABXnearsourcesofexcessiveheat e g radiatorsorinroomswithexcessivehumi dity Theambienttemperaturemustbebetween5and40 C Havingidentified theappropriate lo...

Страница 56: ...atheinternalISDNconnection youmusthaveanoperationalISDNPCcardin stalledinyourPC ConnectyourPCandPABXsystemviatheinstalledISDNjacks ToconfigurethesystemviathePCportconnectthePCportofyourPABXsystemtothe...

Страница 57: ...7 a b5 a b6 Analog connections module 8 a b3 a b4 Analog connections 9 a b1 a b2 Analog connections Installation of the PABX Installation 47 P o w e r I S D N P O T S D S L L A N U S B 1 3 2 4 5 7 6 8...

Страница 58: ...ith tone dialing DTMF dialing should be connected to the analog ports The recall flash button must execute the flash function The functions described in the operating and configuration instruc tions c...

Страница 59: ...llblinkwhentheUSBdriver is active at the PC connected to the system and data is being exchanged via the USB port Ethernet connection LAN1 TheportdesignatedLAN1issetautomaticallytothemaximumdatatransfe...

Страница 60: ...set the system to default state code 999 Switch the system off then mount the modules Restart the system Note DisconnectthePABXfromallanalog doorterminalandISDNconnections Attention Youmaybeelectrosta...

Страница 61: ...uipped with a functional ground connection there should be a ground line waterline heatingsystemlineorgroundingcircuitconnectionforthebuildingwiringsystem neartheinstallation locationofthemodule Thisc...

Страница 62: ...ilthecatchesoftheconnectorlockinplaceinthemodule Toremovethemodule pressbothcatchesoutatthe sametimeandthemodulewillsnapouttothepositionshownatthebottomofthepicture Youcanthentakeitoutby pulling out a...

Страница 63: and Roommonitoring fromanoutsidelocation Team00 Intheinitialstatethenumbers10 11and20areenteredandenabledforTeam00intheday night teamcallallocation Default setting TheexternalISDNconnectionissetto...

Страница 64: ...n isactivated ThekeypadfunctionfortheexternalISDNconnectionisnotenabledforterminaldevices Themeterpulsefrequencyissetto16kHz Remoteaccesscanbeinitiated fromanyterminaldevice Remoteswitchingauthorizati...

Страница 65: ...rious features can be used Note Your PABX supports the flash function for analog telephones Therefore never just briefly replace the handset or pressthebuttoninthecradlebrieflywithyourhand asthePABXwo...

Страница 66: ...m external telephones For the settings Callforwarding Followme fromexternallocation Roommonitoringfromexternallocation preventunauthorizedpartiesfromusingyourPABX Onlyafteryouenterthis6 digitPIN2areyo...

Страница 67: and time manually P98 x x x x x q Setting the time Month Day Year Hours Minute Ack signal Enabling inhibiting remote access With your PABX you have the option of using the functions Callforwardi...

Страница 68: ...cedure describes remote accessfrom analog terminal devices but of course you can also use ISDN telephones for this Remote access with call to the dealer s service center Youcalltheservicecenterfromana...

Страница 69: ...b 782 q a Lift up handset Ack signal Replace handset The PABX system is now enabled for dial in by the service center It is now possible for the service technician to dial in to your PABX to read out...

Страница 70: ...Inhibit remote access b 799 q a Lift up handset Ack signal Replace the handset An existing connection to a service center is not terminated Commissioning the phone part 60...

Страница 71: ...e phone and switch the power on Language setting Select Language English Use the arrow keys to select the language Press OK to confirm Select Language Deutsch Selecting a calling tone Use the arrow ke...

Страница 72: ...10 22 AM Idle Telbook Lists You will be asked to input the log on PIN if htis security feature has been set up for your PABX After you have logged on successfully you will see the new number 22 in the...

Страница 73: ...ssing in other programs For example Sorting functions allow you to compile data records according to internal users project numbers or numbersthataredialed transferred Thefilteringfunctionscanbeusedto...

Страница 74: ...ional Both provider and routing tables can be prepared and edited individually using this new LCR procedure This LCR procedure can be configured using the Web based PC program supplied with the system...

Страница 75: ...Application programs Adobe Acrobat Reader Program for viewing and printing PDF documents Application programs 65...

Страница 76: ...SDN card required for the PCs Please note that software used for the CAPI application may require certain license agreements with the software manufacturer The program CAPI in LAN does not require a l...

Страница 77: ...CAPI driver Note The CAPI driver is not required for accessing the Internet Before installing the new drivers be sure to remove any existing CAPI drivers in your system such as the drivers for an ins...

Страница 78: ...houldhaveatleastonefreeUSBport AnetworkcardmustbeinstalledtoperformconfigurationviaEthernet ToconfigureyoursystemviatheinternalISDNconnection youmusthaveanoperationalISDNPCcardin stalledinyourPC Inter...

Страница 79: ...heinternalISDNbususinganISDNconnectingcord IfyouhaveanISDNcardwithCAPI2 0installedinyourPCyoucanalsoconductPCconfigurationviathe internalISDNconnectionofthePABX Thistypeofconfigurationispossiblestarti...

Страница 80: ...eeharddiskspaceforinstallation Fornetworkoperation orDSLviaEthernet a10 100Mbit sinstallednetworkcard Initial Commissioning and Minimum Configuration You can connect PC to the PABX system either via E...

Страница 81: ...hePABXlightsup whendataisbeingexchangedviathecorrespondingport thisLEDflickersin the rhythm of data transfer For further information about the LED indicator refer to the section Display LEDs on page 3...

Страница 82: ...itesintheInternet a ping isansweredwiththemessage destinationunreachable it maybemeaningfultoincreasethe TTL parameter defaultis64 andspecifythatallPCsconfiguredviaDHCPtobe re assigned configuration f...

Страница 83: the PCs DHCP clients in ascending order There are always 4 additional IP addresses reserved for DHCP servers forPCsintegratedintotheLANviaBluetooth seePage51 orRAS seePage77 IftheintegratedDHCPserv...

Страница 84: ...heProfessionalConfiguratorofthePABXsystemcontainsalistofInternet by callISPsfromwhichyoucanselecta provider TheadvantagehereisthatyoucansetupanInternetconnectionimmediatelywithoutfirsthavingtoagree to...

Страница 85: ...withtheDeutscheTelekomAG GermanTelecom andhaveselectedT On line as your ISP You have configured three ISPs 1 InternetaccessthroughT DSL T online ThePABXsystemwillusethePPPoEprotocolattheWAN port Enter...

Страница 86: ...ers are described by rules whose configuration requires expert knowledge about the TCP IP protocol family The firewall of your PABX system can be easily configured using a Filter Wizard in which you n...

Страница 87: ...connections made by the router The call data records contain detailedinformationaboutthecall Forex Dateandtime durationofthecall numberofthecalledparty numberof the calling party type of connection co...

Страница 88: ...Description of the router functions 78...

Страница 89: ...Same causes and remedies possible as for No incoming internal calls PABX not connected cor rectly to the network termi nation unit of your network service provider Check the connection between the PA...

Страница 90: ...the system control panel folder System Device manager check whether the USB ports of your pc have been activated PABX drivers not properly loaded In the system control panel folder System Device mana...

Страница 91: ...ISDNinterfaces Power appr 2 5 W Channelstructure B B D ISDNcablelengthswith0 6mm Wirediameter Short passive bus max length of 120 meters Analog ports Supply PABX symmetrical 60 mA at 25 ohms Max lengt...

Страница 92: ...LAN2 WAN xDSL10MBit S via RJ45 jack Technical specifications Troubleshooting 82...

Страница 93: ...distribution 33 Call forwarding from another phone Follow me 26 Call modes 10 Call pick up from answering machine 12 Call rerouting 25 Call waiting 39 transferring 41 Call waiting tone 6 Calling cycle...

Страница 94: ...ernal call back 7 External dial tone 6 External POTS connection 51 F Fallback 75 Fast Ethernet 71 Features in the ISDN network 2 Features without user action 35 38 Firewalls 76 Flash 11 48 Flash key 1...

Страница 95: ...ios name queries 76 Netbios Name Server 73 Noting an external ISDN connection 18 Number defining for the next call 18 O Own number defining for the next call 18 temporarily suppressing transmission 18...

Страница 96: ...TAPI Configuration 63 T DSL 74 75 Team call 17 43 Team call adding 18 Teams 32 Busy on busy 32 day night assignments call distribution 33 enabling inhibiting a member s phone within a team 32 technic...

Страница 97: ...k bundle selection ISDN POTS SIP prov 00 04 10 19 5 PIN t Telephone interlock cancel Temporarily suppressing transmission of your own number CLIR b 594tg Temporarily suppressing transmission of your o...

Страница 98: ...member s phone within a team b 93 qa Activating day team call assignment for all teams b 93 qa Activating night team call assignment for all teams Call forwarding b 61t qa Activating immediate call fo...

Страница 99: ...number for an external call Answering machine b 0g Pick up of a call from the answering machine Multifunctional device b 773tg Multifunctional device Telefax group 3 Keypad functions b0 or t Initiatin...

Страница 100: ...Brief description of functions 90...

Страница 101: ......

Страница 102: ...S dwestpark 94 D 90449 N rnberg For information on support and service offerings please visit our Website at www bintec elmeg com where you will find a Service Support area Subject to modifications A...
