9.4.14 General data table transmission
By sending this command the terminal responds with a sequence of
strings ending with <CR><LF> each containing the number of the data and
its description; below a table of managed data is provided by way of
01 Date
02 Time
03 Serial number
04 Version
05 Progressive
06 Auw
07 Pieces
08 Code
09 Description code
10 Number of partial weighing
11 Partial net total
12 Partial tare total
13 Partial pieces total
14 General weighing number
15 General net total
16 General tare total
17 General pieces total
18 SETP1
19 SETP2
20 MIN1
21 MAX1
22 MIN2
23 MAX2
Some data is present only if totals and/or CPE operation have been enabled.
Only the following data can be edited: Date, Time,Auw, Code,
SETP1/2,MIN1/2 and MAX1/2.