4.8.2 Moving the table without InstaDrive™ (without patient)
1. Press the unlock button twice in rapid succession to unlock table (see
section 4.7).
2. Push the table to move it. Do not pull the table. The recommended
method is for one person to push the OR table from the head end
while another person steers it from the leg sections. All casters rotate
freely 360°, ensuring excellent maneuverability even in tight spaces.
3. Lock the OR table after you have moved it to the desired location
(see section 4.7).
4.8.3 Moving the table using InstaDrive™ (without patient)
1. Press the unlock button twice in rapid succession to unlock table (see
section 4.7).
2. Press and hold FWD. After a brief start-up sequence, the OR table au-
tomatically moves in the direction of the head end.
3. Always manually guide the OR table in the desired direction. The op-
erator continues to execute the control function manually. The rec-
ommended method is for one person to operate InstaDrive™ from
the head end while another person steers the table at the leg sec-
tion. As an alternative, the InstaDrive™ arc , which docks onto the ta-
ble’s side rails can be used to have both hands on the table to oper-
ate the InstaDrive™ while steering. When InstaDrive™ is active, the
forward guide rollers are blocked especially to prevent the table from
drifting sideways during transport over longer distances.
4. Release FWD → The OR table stops moving → The traction drive roller
then stays in passive mode for approx. 2 seconds to prevent longitu-
dinal and traverse movement and ensures an additional electromoti-
ve braking function. The rollers are blocked during these 2 seconds.
During this time, avoid moving the table at all, especially pulling or
pushing it sideways suddenly.
1. Press the unlock button twice in rapid succession to unlock table (see
section 4.7).
2. Position the OR table on its rollers (see section 4.7).
3. Press and hold REV. After a brief start-up sequence, the OR table au-
tomatically moves in the direction of the head end (short end of the
table base for the D8XX tables).
Forward/head-end motion
Operator Manual Surgical Mobile Operating Table Models D860, D850, D 830, D820, D770, D760