Collision detection
OR table features collision detection. This
function stops movement of components if they are in
danger of colliding with the floor, base, column or other
internal components. The user cannot override these lim-
its with the controls.
1. Collision detection is not active when the auxiliary hand
pendant is in use
The orange “Table Limit” LED will light when collision detection
has actively intervened. When this happens, check the height ad‐
justment for a collision point with the floor and/or check whether
the table has already reached the activated function‘s limit..
If this yields no results, level the OR table to its starting position or
slide (SLIDE function D820, D850 only) it to center (the BERCH‐
TOLD lettering on the side skirts is in the middle above the lifting
column (section 11).
The following table lists the software-controlled motion limits.
Trendelenburg (TREND)
The TREND function stops if any ta-
ble section nears the floor, base, or
column, or if internal components
are at risk of colliding.
Reverse Trendelenburg (REV TREND) The REV TREND function stops if any
table section nears the floor, base,
or column, or if internal compo-
nents are at risk of colliding.
Operator Manual Surgical Mobile Operating Table Models D860, D850, D 830, D820, D770, D760