Please note that both PSU and EURORACK will heat up during operation. This is completely
normal and does not indicate a malfunction.
6.2 Mains connection
The mains connection of the MX3242X is made by using the included power supply unit. It meets all of the
international safety certification requirements.
Please make sure that all units have a proper ground connection. For your own safety, it is
advisable not to remove the ground connection within the units or at the supply, or fail to make
this connection at all.
6.3 Audio connections
You will need a lot of cables for different purposes see the following figures to make sure you have got the
right ones.
Use custom-made RCA cables for the 2-Track in/out traffic (centre post = signal (+ve), sleeve = ground/
It is possible to connect unbalanced sources to the balanced inputs. Use either mono jacks or connect the
ring and sleeve of the jack (or pin 1 with pin 3 with XLR plugs). +48 V DC Phantom Power is also provided,
which can be switched on and off with +48 V PHANTOM switch.
Please ensure that only qualified persons install and operate the EURORACK. During
installation and operation the user must have sufficient electrical contact to earth.
Electrostatic charges might affect the operation of the EURORACK!
Fig. 6.1: Headphones connector
Care should be taken NOT to plug mics into the console (or stagebox) while the Phantom
Power is on. Also, mute the monitor/PA speakers when turning Phantom Power on or off.
Allow the system to adjust for a couple of seconds after engaging Phantom Power before
setting input gains.