3.1 Selecting inputs
1) Mono channels accept Mic or Line inputs. If you are using the Mic input, make sure nothing is connected
to the Line input (and vice versa).
2) Mic inputs are more sensitive than Line inputs. Do not connect microphones with Phantom Power switched
3.2 Initializing channels for gain setting
1) Set gain to minimum in all Main input channels, and all Aux Sends to OFF (fully counterclockwise).
2) Set EQ to flat (all controls at 12 oclock) and turn it off (EQ IN button up).
3) Set the LO CUT button to OFF, unless you need the frequencies below 75 Hz (18 dB/Oct., -3 dB).
4) Set CHANNEL MODE to PFL and LEVEL to 12 oclock for SOLO function.
5) Press the PFL/SOLO button in the channel you wish to adjust.
3.3 Auditioning a signal and setting up a channel
1) Make a typical noise, or roll the tape. The peak meter should read a PFL level.
2) Main input channels: Adjust the Gain control until transient peaks are regularly h10 dB. Continuous
signals should not exceed 0 dB.
3) If EQ is used, repeat steps 1) & 2).
4) If an insert is used to patch in a Compressor, Gate, Equalizer, etc., use the outboard processors Bypass
or Effect Off switch to A/B monitor the effect. If it does not have a bypass switch or equivalent, you will
have to keep connecting and disconnecting the device until you complete the following procedure: adjust
the processors output level so that effected and bypassed signals are of comparable level, i.e. unity gain.
5) Route the channel as desired, then switch off all PFL/SOLO buttons. Now set up the next channel.
3.4 Desk normalization
All board settings should be set to the normal default conditions before or after every session. Usually, faders
are set to zero (minus infinity), EQs set flat and switched out, Aux Sends turned fully counterclockwise, etc..
Many controls have a natural initial setting. For EQ cut and boost this is center position. However, some
settings, such as selecting PRE or POST for channel Aux Sends, will depend on the operating environment
(e.g. studio or live), or on a particular engineers preferred way of working.
3.5 Multi-track initialization
Set up the multi-track recorder so that any track in record ready condition has its input monitored when the
tape is stationary (once a recording has been made, these tracks should automatically switch to tape
playback). Check that the input levels to each track are optimized before recording commences.
3.6 Recording levels
When recording to digital, its a good idea to keep the recorders peak meters below 0 dB. Most (not all,
especially samplers) read 0 dB with some headroom left. This is because, unlike with analog, the onset of
digital distortion is as sudden as it is horrible. If you really want to take your recording level to the limit (and
fully exploit the 16-bit digitals 96 dB dynamic range), youll have to do some calibrating. How to do it? Well,
you could run a tone at 0 dB from the mixer and use that as your DAT reference. But your DAT may be way
under its maximum input limit. Probably a better way to work out just how hard you can drive your recorder is