Operator Manual
Operating Instructions
Display shows:
Washer automatically progresses through the following pro-
grammed treatments :
VHP exhaust maintains a slightly negative
pressure inside wash chamber during VHP cycle.
Dehumidification Phase:
Dry, HEPA-filtered (High
Efficiency Particulate Air) air is circulated to reduce humidity
to a predetermined level in the 10-60% relative humidity
range. This permits the necessary target Vaprox H2O2
vapor concentration to be maintained below saturation (dew
point) levels during the Condition and Biodecontamination
phases. The internal HEPA filter prevents contamination of
internal machine components.
NOTE: Time to reach targeted humidity corresponds with the
initial humidity, temperature and volume of wash chamber.
Condition Phase:
Flow of dry, HEPA-filtered air continues
while Vaprox vapor is injected into the air stream just before
it leaves the unit. The Vaprox sterilant injection rate is
controllable in the 2.0 to 12.0 grams per minute range.
Condition time is affected by sterilant injection rate, wash
chamber contents and temperature.
Biodecontamination Phase:
Target VHP antimicrobial
concentration is maintained for a specific period of time
throughout wash chamber. Refer to Vaprox label and
package insert for more information.
Aeration Phase:
Vaprox H2O2 vapor injection is stopped
1000 - ARD Generator
– Recirculating flow of dry,
HEPA-filtered air continues through catalytic converter to
reduce H2O2 vapor concentration within wash chamber.
M100 - ABX Single Pass Generator
– VHP option
washer's exhaust fan force the VHP out of wash
chamber through a catalytic converter installed on
washer to reduce H2O2 vapor concentration inside
wash chamber.
When cycle is completed, buzzer sounds and display shows: