Installation / start-up
Barkey GmbH & Co. KG - Gewerbestrasse 8 - 33818 Leopoldshoehe - Germany - Telephone: +49(0)5202-9801-0
Service department: +49(0)5202-9801-30 Fax: +49 (0)5202-9801-99 - email: [email protected]
Instructions for Use
Barkey S-line
The patient must not lie on the warming section. This can cause a
heat build-up and the infusion line can be compressed.
If the infusion flow stops and the warming section is cooled at the same time, an overheating of the
infusion fluid cannot be ruled out.
If infusion solutions or medicines are kept warm, the operator must ensure that they are suitable for
the preset temperature in the device and retain their efficacy; if this is not the case the operator
must not use the device.
If the patient suffers from irritation of the skin in spite of the biocompatible material remove the
warming device from the patient immediately.
Always check the Barkey S-line for damage before each use. Do not use a damaged device.
In order to safeguard the safety of the patient and/or the operator, do not use the device if one of the
following conditions is found:
damaged mains cable, mains plug, control lead or socket
damaged housing, damaged control panel
device was dropped, or the internal electronic components have become wet
the alarm lamp and/or the acoustic alarm of the control unit are activated
damaged warming section.