Safety information
Barkey GmbH & Co. KG - Gewerbestrasse 8 - 33818 Leopoldshoehe - Germany - Telephone: +49(0)5202-9801-0
Service department: +49(0)5202-9801-30 Fax: +49 (0)5202-9801-99 - email: [email protected]
Instructions for Use
Barkey S-line
Over the frequency range of 150 kHz to 80 MHz the field strength should be less than 3
In theory, the field strength of stationary transmitters, eg base stations of radio telephones
and mobile terrestrial radio equipment, amateur radio stations, AM and FM radio and television
transmitters cannot be determined accurately beforehand. In order to determine the electromag-
netic environment with regard to the stationary transmitters, a study of the electromagnetic phe-
nomena of the location should be considered. If the measured field strength at the location at
which the Barkey S-line is used exceeds the above conformity level, the Barkey S-line should be
observed to verify the intended function. If unusual performance factors are observed, additional
measures may be necessary, eg a change of alignment or another location for the Barkey S-line.