SmartSwarm 300 Series
Username and Password fields may be used to authenticate and authorize the client
when connecting.
These fields are optional: If you setup your MQTT broker to require them, then you
will require them here also.
The password is sent in plaintext if it isn’t encrypted or hashed by implementation, or
if TLS is not used.
We recommend that you use username and password together with a secure
transport (i.e. Enable TLS).
Alternatively, you may choose to use the Client Certificate method for
authentication. This is best if your broker supports it. In this case, no username and
password are needed.
Client ID
Unique identifier, used by the broker to uniquely identify each client.
This field is optional, and may be left blank.
The broker uses it for identifying the client and the current state of the client. If you
don’t need a state to be held by the broker, in MQTT 3.1.1 it is possible to send an
empty Client ID. This results in a connection without any state. A condition is that
Clean Session is true, otherwise the connection will be rejected.
We recommend that you use a random number.
Connection timeout in seconds. That is, the number of seconds that the client will
persist in attempting to make an initial connection with the broker.
Retry Interval
The number of seconds after a QoS=1 or QoS=2 message has been sent that the
publisher will wait before retrying when no response is received.
Keep Alive
The Keep Alive is a time interval used by the client to ensure the connection with the
broker is kept open. The client sends a PING request to the broker as specified by this
time interval. The broker responds with PING Response and this mechanism will
allow both sides to determine if the other one is still alive and reachable.
This is a Boolean value that controls how many messages can be in-flight
Setting Reliable to True means that a published message must be completed
(acknowledgements received) before another can be sent.
Setting this flag to false allows up to 10 messages to be in-flight. This can increase
overall throughput in some circumstances.
Clean Session
True: The broker won’t store anything for the client and will also purge all
information from a previous persistent session. This is required to be True if there is
no Client ID used.
This is the recommended setting for SmartSwarm 351.
False: The broker will store all subscriptions for the client and also all missed
messages, when subscribing with Quality of Service (QoS) 1 or 2.