SmartSwarm 300 Series
In the next example, Register 40 is also an ENUM type which uses the first 3 bits of the register.
Bit 0 has 2 states: “Pump Off” and “Pump On”.
Bit 1 has 2 states: “Normal Operation” and “Min Speed”
Bit 2 has 2 states: “Normal Operation” and “Max Speed”.
Note how one register configured as a “bit field” in this way can hold several independent states at the same time.
Another common ENUM scenario uses the value of the whole register to encode a single state. In the above
screenshot Register 42 represents one state variable that can have multiple possible values.
The Min, Max, Units, Num Value and Str Value fields are not used for any algorithmic purpose within
the Device. The data entered for these fields will become part of the enriched-data published for the
The Zero Value and Scaling fields are used to scale the raw Modbus value into an enriched value: For